The Best Places to visit in Egypt

Best places to visit in Egypt,  Around Egypt Tours

From diving deep into the crystal clear waters of the Red Sea and star gazing amidst the vastness of the desert to floating down the Nile River and gawking at the ruins of one of the world's oldest civilizations.  When it comes to travel experiences around the world, Egypt is a unique destination that leaves visitors spoiled for choice.

With a lot to see, the struggle for many visitors is just where to start;  As always, I'm happy to help you!  Here is my selection of the four best places to visit in Egypt.

Abu Simbel temples

Perhaps the most impressive temple in all of ancient Egypt with its gigantic rock-cut facade, the great Sun Temple of King Ramses II at Abu Simbel was created in honor of the mighty King Ramses II.  Guarding the entrance to the temple and carved into the side of a mountain are four colossal statues of the pharaoh himself.  In a rush of architectural precision and selfishness, Ramses II had the entire temple carefully angled and oriented so that the sun's rays would line up twice a year on the date of his accession to the throne (February 21) and his birthday ( October 21) and illuminate the internal sanctuary of the temple.  This incredible natural phenomenon offers a spectacular spectacle known as the King Ramses II Sun Festival.

Alexandria and El Alamein

Founded by the legendary Alexander the Great, it is a charming city located on the northern coast of Egypt, bathed by the beautiful Mediterranean Sea.  The fact that Alexandria was once home to the Pharos, a lighthouse (albeit collapsed) that was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, is a huge draw for travelers.  You may not be able to witness this epic structure today, but the city is still steeped in its importance, and a visit to the National Museum of Alexandria is sure to help you learn about Alexandria's cultural heritage and intriguing past.  Traveling from Alexandria to Cairo, you can also stop at the site of some of the most brutal battles of the second world war, El Alamein.  It has become a unique pilgrimage site for people who wish to pay their respects to those lost during the fight.  The rows of graves in the various war cemeteries are a permanent reminder of the tragic loss suffered by every country involved.  However, El Alamein is not just a sad relic of the past; it is the perfect place to appreciate life and its moments of pleasure.


One of the fascinating cities and starting point for most tours in Egypt is Cairo.  You can get a glimpse of Cairo's lesser-known and more intriguing suburbs on the Backstreets of Cairo tour, which is exclusive to On The Go at the start of most group tours in Egypt.  Also, be sure to grab a bargain in the lively Khan el Khalili bazaar and enjoy a high tea at one of the nearby cafes, which is ideal for people-watching.  Another highlight is the magnificent Saladin Islamic Citadel and the Sultan Hassan Mosque, which is beautifully illuminated at night.

When the long-awaited Grand Egyptian Museum finally opens its doors later in 2022, you can add it to the long list of reasons to visit Cairo.

Pyramids of Giza

Eternally one of Egypt's top attractions, no visitor should leave without visiting the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx of Giza.  They are the only seven wonders of the world left from the ancient world and are more than 4,600 years old.  They're an imposing sight, and the whole complex is still shrouded in mystery.

If time is an issue, it is possible to see the main parts of the pyramid site in about 2 hours, but spend a full day in this area if your schedule allows.


So that's it!  This is my guide to the best places to visit in Egypt.  There are so many great places to visit in Egypt, and this guide is just to get you started planning your Egypt vacation.

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