Around Egypt Tours offers a complete guide for the Egypt tourist to Egypt's history and culture and all of the sites you'll see when you plan to visit Egypt. All you've got to learn about the things to do in Egypt and the most famous attractions, cities, and historical places to explore Egypt's history from ancient times to the present.
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The Egyptian Pharaohs: Divine Kings of Ancient Egypt
Within those swirling sands of time, in the golden shift of the Egyptian desert, lies a location where unparalleled grandeur and extraordinary mystery have presided over the Pharaohs. These were bizarre kings, with the mandate of heaven, commandeering the most sumptuous luxuries, who kept historians and archaeologists, adventurers, and treasure-seekers alike forever enchanted. The saga of the Pharaohs unfolds like a cosmic drama, an account riddled with power, divinity, and greatness-defining exploits that formed one of the most compelling civilizations in human history.
Cairo Historical Sites
How Many Pyramids are in Egypt?
Egypt is famous for its magnificent pyramids; these incredible structures are among the most iconic landmarks globally. These pyramids were not just random buildings but also were specially constructed as tombs for the revered pharaohs and their loved ones. But have you ever wondered how many pyramids are in Egypt? And which ones are the most famous pyramids?Let us explore the magnificent pyramids of Egypt, one of the best Cairo historical sites:
How Many Pyramids Are In Egypt?
The number of Egyptian pyramids varies among different sources. According to Wikipedia, approximately 118 have been identified, while others suggest numbers as high as 138. Additionally, over 200 pyramids are believed to exist within the historical Kingdom of Kush, located north of Sudan. The primary purpose of these structures was to serve as tombs for the pharaohs of Egypt and their consorts during the Ancient Egypt dynasty Old and Middle Kingdom periods.
The Top Pyramids in Egypt:
Egypt is home to around 138 pyramids, with the most famous ones located in Giza. Here is a list of the 20 most famous pyramids in Egypt:
Great Pyramid of Giza (Pyramid of Khufu): The largest pyramid, built for Pharaoh Khufu.
Pyramid of Khafre: The second-largest pyramid at Giza, built for Pharaoh Khafre.
Pyramid of Menkaure: The smallest of the three main pyramids at Giza, built for Pharaoh Menkaure.
Step Pyramid of Djoser: Located in Saqqara, this is the oldest known pyramid, built for Pharaoh Djoser.
Bent Pyramid: Located in Dahshur, known for its bent slope, built for Pharaoh Sneferu.
Red Pyramid: Also in Dahshur, named for its reddish limestone, also built for Pharaoh Sneferu.
Pyramid of Userkaf: In Saqqara, built for Pharaoh Userkaf.
Pyramid of Unas: Also in Saqqara, known for the Pyramid Texts, built for Pharaoh Unas.
Pyramid of Teti: Located in Saqqara, built for Pharaoh Teti.
Pyramid of Pepi I: In Saqqara, built for Pharaoh Pepi I.
Pyramid of Pepi II: Also in Saqqara, built for Pharaoh Pepi II.
Pyramid of Sekhemkhet: An unfinished step pyramid in Saqqara, built for Pharaoh Sekhemkhet.
Pyramid of Sneferu (Meidum Pyramid): Located in Meidum, believed to be an early attempt by Sneferu.
Pyramid of Amenemhat I: Located in Lisht, built for Pharaoh Amenemhat I.
Pyramid of Senusret I: Also in Lisht, built for Pharaoh Senusret I.
Pyramid of Senusret II: Located in El-Lahun, built for Pharaoh Senusret II.
Pyramid of Senusret III: Located in Dahshur, built for Pharaoh Senusret III.
Pyramid of Amenemhat II: Also in Dahshur, built for Pharaoh Amenemhat II.
Pyramid of Ahmose: Located in Abydos, built for Pharaoh Ahmose.
Pyramid of Djedefre: Located in Abu Rawash, built for Pharaoh Djedefre, son of Khufu.
These pyramids represent some of the most significant and historically important structures in ancient Egypt. Now, let us highlight the most famous pyramids in Egypt:
Luxor Tourist Attractions
The Valley of the Kings Facts
The Valley of the Kings
New Kingdom pharaohs wanted their tombs to be hidden, so they built their tombs in the hills like the necropolis in the west of Luxor, which is now called the Valley of the Kings. It is one of the first examples of the necropolis, which was contradicted with the Pharaohs of Egypt's Old Kingdom, who built pyramids and some massive public monuments to be their tombs.
Why the Valley became famous?
In modern times the valley has become famous for the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun and is one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world. In 1979, it became a World Heritage Site, along with the rest of the Theban Necropolis.
How was the Valley built?
Builders benefited from available geological features when constructing the tombs. Some tombs were quarried out of existing limestone clefts, others behind slopes of scree, or were at the edge of rock spurs created by ancient flood channels. The majority of the royal tombs were decorated with religious texts and images. The ordinary tomb consisted of a long inclined rock-cut corridor, descending through one or more halls to the burial chamber.
Description of the Valley
In 1979 UNESCO announced the valley is a part of the World Heritage site of ancient Thebes, which also includes the Valley of the Queens and Karnak Temples. Located in the hills behind El Deir el-Bahari, most of the tombs were cut into the limestone following a similar pattern: three corridors, an antechamber, and a sunken sarcophagus chamber. These catacombs were harder to rob and were more easily concealed. Construction usually lasted six years, beginning with the new reign.
The contents of the tombs
The tombs contained preparations for the next world, where the pharaohs were expected to become one with the gods. Therefore, Mummification was used to preserve the body so that the deceased's eternal soul could reanimate it in the afterlife. The underground tombs were also well stocked with all the materials, which might help the king in the next world, like furniture, clothes, and jewelry. Treasures are also found in the tombs, like the golden masks found with King Tut. However, most of the tombs were robbed.
The Valley Tombs and the Period of Building
During Egypt's New Kingdom (1539-1075 B.C.), the valley became a royal burial ground for pharaohs such as Tutankhamun, Seti I, and Ramses II, as well as queens, high priests, and other nobles of the 18th, 19th, and 20th dynasties. There are 64 tombs contained bodies and belongings of pharaohs Thutmose I until Ramesses X or XI.
Things to do in Aswan
Abu Simbel Temple
Visit the Amazing Abu Simbel Temples: One of Egypt's Most Popular Attractions
South of Aswan, along Lake Nasser's stunning shores, stands Egypt's second-most renowned landmark after the Giza Pyramids. These stunning rock-hewn temples were built by the powerful pharaoh Ramses II during the height of Egypt's power in the New Kingdom. Serving as a symbol of the grandeur of Egypt’s rulers, Abu Simbel marked the southern boundary of Egypt with Nubia.
History and Rediscovery of Abu Simbel
Abu Simbel had been long forgotten until 1813, when Swiss explorer John Lewis Burckhardt rediscovered the site. The temples had, over the years, been buried under sand, hiding the colossal statues that remain today. The sand was cleared starting in 1909, and Abu Simbel was the first big archaeological site to be excavated in southern Egypt.This rediscovery served to further establish Abu Simbel as a central component of Luxor tours and Egypt's amazing archaeological history.
Architectural Marvel: The Temples of Ramses II
The Abu Simbel temples were not only built as memorials to Ramses II and his consort, Nefertari, but also as places of worship for the deities. The main temple, with the four massive statues of Ramses seated in front, is devoted to Amun, Ptah, and Re-Harakty. The smaller temple, less than grand, was consecrated to Ramses's dearly loved wife, Nefertari, and dedicated to the goddess Hathor. This architectural marvel is accessible during Luxor day tours, which will serve as the centerpiece of your trip to Egypt.
The Significance of Nefertari's Temple
Unmatched in Nefertari's temple is the outstanding representation of the queen. Six giant statues dress its facade—four of Ramses II and two of Nefertari. This reflects her high status, since she is portrayed as almost equal to the pharaoh himself.In planning Luxor tours, don't overlook the opportunity to uncover the importance of this temple, a witness to the strength of the pharaohs and their queens.
The Abu Simbel Sun Festival: A Wondrous Event
One of the best features of the big temple is its alignment with the sun. Twice each year, on 22nd February and 22nd October, the sun precisely enters the innermost region of the temple, showering light on the statue of Ramses II. This divine phenomenon, known as the Abu Simbel Sun Festival, attracts thousands of travelers every year. It is a breathtaking testimony to the ancient Egyptians' expertise in astronomy as well as to their remarkable skills of engineering.
Travel to Abu Simbel: Travel Faculties and Tours of Egypt
The temples are a few hours' journey south of Aswan, but the easiest way of getting to Abu Simbel is by plane. Flights from Aswan to Abu Simbel take only about 30 minutes, with two daily departures allowing tourists around two hours to explore the site. Alternatively, you can experience the temples by joining a Nasser cruise, where passengers can view the temples by moonlight and in the early morning light.For an unforgettable experience, consider booking one of our Egypt travel packages that include visits to Abu Simbel as part of your itinerary.A visit to Abu Simbel is an absolute must during any tour of Luxor. If you're doing a Luxor day tour or a longer Egypt tour, Abu Simbel's temples provide the visitor with an insight into the great achievements of ancient Egypt. Don't miss out on seeing this stunning UNESCO World Heritage during your next Egypt tour
Ancient Egypt
The Ancient Egyptian Calendar Legacy
The Egyptian calendar stands as a testament to the remarkable intellect and cultural depth of one of history's most fascinating civilizations. Rooted in the cyclical rhythms of nature, the calendar system devised by the ancient Egyptians was a remarkable blend of astronomy, religion, and practicality. Join us as we delve deeper into its structure, significance, and profound influence.
Egypt Travel Advisory
Egyptian People and Their Nature
Egypt People
Embark on a remarkable journey to Egypt and unlock more than just its iconic landmarks. Immerse yourself in the true essence of the country, where its people embody warmth, welcome, and vibrant cultural heritage. Engaging with the locals will offer you an opportunity to embrace their traditions, forge genuine connections, and create memories that will last a lifetime. The exceptional hospitality of Egyptians is renowned, leaving an indelible impression on the fortunate travelers they encounter.Egyptians are celebrated for their genuine kindness and helpful nature, elevating the travel experience for those who visit. Your vacation in Egypt will introduce you to some of the most extraordinary individuals on Earth. With a deep-rooted instinct to honor every guest, Egyptians will invite you to discover their country as if it were your own, ensuring that your journey becomes unforgettable.
The Warmth And Hospitality Of The Egyptian People
The people of Egypt possess a welcoming spirit that captivates all who visit. Their genuine hospitality will make you feel like a member of their extended family, inviting you into their homes and offering a unique glimpse into their daily lives. Their warmth and openness will create an undeniable connection, making you yearn to return to this extraordinary land time and time again.
To the Egyptian people, every visitor to their homeland is a cherished guest in their own house. This deep-rooted sense of hospitality safeguards tourists, as incidents of theft or scams are minimal. You can explore Egypt's wonders with peace of mind, knowing that you're in a country where the locals prioritize your safety and well-being.
Egyptians are renowned for their warmth and hospitality, embodying the proverbial phrase "mi casa es su casa" (my home is your home). This genuine hospitality extends beyond borders, welcoming visitors from around the world to experience Egypt's diverse landscapes and storied history.
Egyptian Cultural Heritage
Egyptian culture is nothing short of enchanting, captivating travelers with its rich history and profound traditions. Local Egyptian guides will share fascinating stories, intertwining their culture and religion, enriching your vacation with deep insights. You'll find yourself falling head over heels for Egypt's cultural tapestry, cherishing every moment spent unraveling its secrets.
"In Egypt, we are living history." - Naguib Mahfouz Said
The Language: Arabic, the Language of Warmth
Arabic is the official language of Egypt, and it serves as a conduit for cultural exchange. Although many Egyptians also speak English, taking the time to learn a few basic Arabic phrases can go a long way in building connections and showing respect for the local culture. Egyptians appreciate the effort and will warmly assist you in your language journey.
The Religion of Egyptian People
The majority of Egyptians are followers of Islam, with Islam being the state religion. This deeply rooted faith plays a significant role in the daily lives and traditions of the Egyptian people. From the mesmerizing call to prayer echoing through the streets to the stunning mosques that grace the skyline. Visitors are encouraged to respectfully observe and appreciate the rich religious heritage that shapes Egyptian society.
Statistics and Facts:
Did you know that Egypt is home to over 100 million people, making it one of the most populous countries in the Middle East and Africa? Despite this, nearly 95% of Egyptians live along the fertile Nile River valley and delta.
Egyptian Diet: Savoring Culinary Delights
Egyptian cuisine is a delectable fusion of flavors and aromas that reflect the country's history and cultural diversity. From iconic street food like falafel and koshary to hearty dishes like kofta and stuffed vine leaves, every bite is a journey of taste. Egyptians value communal dining and often share meals with family and friends, making the dining experience not just a way to satiate hunger but also a chance to bond and create lasting memories.
Dress in Egypt
When it comes to clothing in Egypt, most people embrace modern Western-style garments for their day-to-day attire. However, in rural areas and during special events, traditional clothing continues to hold significance. Men often wear the galabeya, a loose-fitting ankle-length robe, while women may wear the galabiya along with a headscarf. It's important to note that Muslim women in Egypt commonly wear the hijab, a headscarf, and some may choose to wear the niqab, a face veil. These clothing choices reflect the cultural diversity and religious customs observed in Egypt.
In Conclusion: Embrace the Extraordinary Magic of Egypt and Its People
The Egyptian people play a vital role in creating an extraordinary and unforgettable experience for visitors. Their unmatched warmth, genuine care, and captivating cultural heritage will elevate your journey to new heights. Embark on a remarkable vacation guided by the exceptional Egyptian people who bring this ancient land to life. With Around Egypt Tours, you'll not only witness the awe-inspiring splendor of Egypt but also forge meaningful connections with the locals. Let the heartwarming magic of Egypt and its people create cherished memories that will endure a lifetime.
Alexandria Travel Blog
Unveiling the Mysteries of the Library of Alexandria: A Journey into Ancient Knowledge
The Library of Alexandria, situated in the ancient city of Alexandria, Egypt, was one of the most remarkable institutions of the ancient world. Unveiling the Mysteries of the Library of Alexandria.
Cairo Historical Sites
Khufu Pharaoh: All you Need to know about Khufu Pharaoh and Khufu Pyramid
Khufu was one of the most famous Pharaohs of ancient Egypt of the Fourth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom. He is particularly well-known for the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza, which is now considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
Luxor Tourist Attractions
Unveiling the Secrets of Hatshepsut Temple: A Journey Through Luxor's Hidden Gem!
If you are a fan of ancient Egyptian architecture and history, then you must visit Hatshepsut Temple. This temple is one of the most well-preserved temples in Egypt, and it is located on the west bank of the Nile River across from the city of Luxor. In this article, we will take you on a journey through Hatshepsut Temple, unveiling its secrets and exploring its main features. We will also provide you with tips for visiting this hidden gem and share some interesting facts about it.
Introduction to Hatshepsut Temple
Hatshepsut Temple is a mortuary temple dedicated to the queen-pharaoh Hatshepsut, who ruled Egypt during the 18th dynasty. The temple was built in the 15th century BC and it was designed by the architect Senenmut. The temple is also known as Djeser-Djeseru, which means "the most sacred of sacred places."
The temple is located in a valley surrounded by towering cliffs, which adds to its beauty and uniqueness. It consists of three terraces that rise up to a height of 97 feet. The terraces are connected by ramps and courtyards, and they are decorated with reliefs depicting the queen's achievements and the gods who protected her.
History of Hatshepsut Temple
Hatshepsut Temple was built during the New Kingdom period of ancient Egypt, which lasted from 1550 BC to 1070 BC. Hatshepsut ruled Egypt from 1478 BC to 1458 BC, and she was one of the most successful pharaohs of her time. She was known for her military campaigns, her building projects, and her trade expeditions to the Land of Punt.
Hatshepsut's temple was built to commemorate her reign and her achievements. It was also built to serve as her final resting place, as she was buried in a tomb located beneath the temple.
Architecture and Design of Hatshepsut Temple
Hatshepsut Temple is a marvel of ancient Egyptian architecture and design. It is built in a symmetrical style, with each terrace having a central axis that leads to the next terrace. The temple is also built in a way that takes advantage of the natural landscape, as it is nestled between cliffs and it blends in with the surroundings.
The temple is made of limestone, which was quarried from the nearby hills. The limestone was then transported to the temple site and carved into the shapes needed for the temple's columns, walls, and statues. The temple is decorated with reliefs depicting the queen's achievements, the gods who protected her, and scenes from her trade expeditions to the Land of Punt.
The Mysteries of Hatshepsut Temple
Hatshepsut Temple is full of mysteries and secrets that have fascinated archaeologists and historians for centuries. One of the biggest mysteries of the temple is the identity of Hatshepsut's architect, Senenmut. Some scholars believe that he was Hatshepsut's lover, while others believe that he was her chief advisor.
Another mystery of the temple is the purpose of the three terraces. Some scholars believe that they represent the three levels of the afterlife, while others believe that they represent the three stages of Hatshepsut's life.
Exploring the Main Features of Hatshepsut Temple
The temple has several main features that are worth exploring. The first feature is the colonnaded courtyard, which is located at the entrance of the temple. The courtyard is lined with 16 columns that are decorated with reliefs of the queen and the gods. The courtyard also has a statue of Hatshepsut, which was destroyed by her successor, Thutmose III.
The second feature of the temple is the hypostyle hall, which is located on the second terrace. The hall has 32 columns that support the roof, and it is decorated with reliefs depicting the queen's achievements and the gods who protected her.
The third feature of the temple is the sanctuary, which is located on the third terrace. The sanctuary is the most sacred part of the temple, and it is where the statue of the queen would have been kept. The sanctuary is also decorated with reliefs depicting the queen's achievements and the gods who protected her.
Tips for Visiting Hatshepsut Temple
If you are planning to visit Hatshepsut Temple, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, make sure to wear comfortable shoes, as there is a lot of walking involved. Second, bring plenty of water and sunscreen, as the temple can get hot and sunny. Third, consider hiring a guide, as they can provide you with more information about the temple and its history.
Interesting Facts About Hatshepsut Temple
Here are some interesting facts about Hatshepsut Temple:
The temple was rediscovered in the 19th century by the French archaeologist Jean-Francois Champollion.
The temple was damaged by an earthquake in 27 BC and it was later restored by the Romans.
The temple was used as a Coptic Christian monastery in the 7th century AD.
The temple was used as a backdrop for several Hollywood movies, including "The Mummy Returns" and "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen."
Hatshepsut Queen
Hatshepsut, also called Maatkare, was one of the three female pharaohs that ruled in ancient Egypt. Her name means "foremost of noblewomen." She began her reign as a regent to his stepson Thutmose III then took the full power of the Pharaoh as she claimed to be divine birth, the result of a union between her mother and the god Amun. She also claimed that ThutmoseI had named her as his successor before his death. Being the second historically-confirmed female Pharaoh, Hatshepsut was the fifth Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt. Hatshepsut came to the throne of Egypt in 1478 BC. She was the daughter of King Thutmose I and became the queen of Egypt when she married half-brother, Thutmose II, around the age of 12. After his death, she became regent for her stepson, the infant Thutmose III, but then she had the full powers of a pharaoh, becoming co-ruler of Egypt.
Her Major accomplishments
Hatshepsut undertook hundreds of ambitious construction projects throughout both Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. She built her mortuary temple in a complex at Deir el-Bahri, which considered one of the architectural wonders of ancient Egypt, on the West Bank of the Nile River in the ancient Thebes near the entrance of the Valley of the Kings. It was designed and implemented by Senenmut, her chief minister. Another one of her magnificent building is the Hatshepsut needle. Another great achievement of her reign was re-establishing the trade networks that had been disrupted during the Hyksos, and the trading expedition she sent, and that brought back vast riches, including ivory, ebony, gold, and leopard skins, to Egypt from a distant land known as Punt.
Why queen Hatshepsut was being unknown at first?
Queen Hatshepsut ordered to be depicted as a male in many contemporary images and sculptures. Thus, she remained unknown to scholars until the 19th century. Another reason is that Thutmose III had eradicated almost all of the evidence of Hatshepsut's rule–including the images of her as king on the temples and monuments she had built. Consequently, she remained unknown to scholars until they decoded and read the hieroglyphics on the walls of Deir el-Bahri in 1822.
The discovery of Her Mummy
In 1903, the British archeologist Howard Carter discovered Hatshepsut's sarcophagus, but it was empty, like most of the tombs in the Valley of the Kings. In June 2007, there was a discovery of a mummy in the tomb of Hatshepsut's royal nurse, Setre-In. A tooth fragment founded in a jar of organs led to identifying the body to be Hatshepsut's.
When and how did Hatshepsut die?
Hatshepsut died, in the twenty-second year of her reign, on January 16, 1458 BC, as recorded on a single stela erected at Armant. The cause of her death was a matter of speculation; some think that her stepson Thutmose III might have killed her because he erased all signs of her rule. Assuming the identification of her mummy is correct, another cause could be shown; those who examined the mummy concluded that it is most likely that the metastasized cancer killed her. The mummy shows signs of arthritis, many dental cavities and root inflammation and pockets, diabetes, and bone cancer. Another theory derives from the dental root inflammation and pockets assumed an abscess, which in her weakened condition from cancer, was what killed her. In 2011, researchers in Germany identified a carcinogenic substance in a vial founded with Hatshepsut, which led to the notion that she may have used a lotion or cream for cosmetic reasons or to treat a skin condition that led to cancer.
Conclusion: Why Hatshepsut Temple is a Must-Visit Destination in Luxor!
Hatshepsut Temple is a must-visit destination in Luxor for anyone who is interested in ancient Egyptian history and architecture. The temple is a marvel of design and engineering, and it is full of mysteries and secrets that have fascinated scholars for centuries. If you are planning a trip to Egypt, make sure to include Hatshepsut Temple in your itinerary. You won't be disappointed!
Queen Hatshepsut was a great pharaoh, Explore her heritage through one of our Egypt vacations and Nile Cruises vacations!
Things to do in Aswan
Philae Temple
This beautiful Philae temple complex is one of the foremost things to do in Aswan with it's picturesque in all of Egypt. It sits on Aglika Island just south of the old High Dam, and you need to ride a motorboat to reach the island. This temple was moved to its current location following the development of the High Dam, which threatened to submerge it permanently.The exact reconstruction at this site carefully completed, painstakingly preserving the original appearance and layout of the complex and even landscaping the island to match its former location.
Philae grew to prominence during the Ptolemaic Dynasty, because of the center of the cult of the goddess Isis. This complex was one of all the last remaining places, where the traditional religion survived after the arrival of Christianity in Egypt, officially closed only in 550 AD as the Early Christians used most of the temple on the island as a church.This is the reason for the defacement of a number of the figures of the traditional Gods, as these Christians tried to get rid of the pagan imagery from their newly claimed sanctuaries.The Temple of Isis is the main feature here, but there are several other smaller temples on the island that are worth admiring.
Ancient Egypt
King Tut Tutankhamun
Legacy of King Tut
Tutankhamun, also known as King Tut, was an Egyptian pharaoh who lived during the 18th dynasty (approximately 1341-1323 BCE). He is well-known for his young age when he ascended to the throne and the discovery of his intact tomb in the Valley of the Kings in 1922. Despite his brief reign, Tutankhamun has captured the imagination of people around the world due to the mystery surrounding his life and death.
Early Life and Ascension to the Throne
King Tut Tutankhamun was born to Akhenaten and his wife Kiya, although there is some debate among scholars about the identity of his mother. Akhenaten was a pharaoh who is known for his attempts to establish a monotheistic religion centered around the god Aten, rather than the traditional polytheistic religion of Egypt. Tutankhamun was likely born during Akhenaten's reign, but the exact year is unknown.When Akhenaten died, his son Smenkhkare briefly ruled Egypt before he also died. Tutankhamun, who was around nine years old at the time, then ascended to the throne. His reign was short, lasting only around ten years, and he is believed to have been around 19 years old when he died.
Tutankhamun's Reign
Tutankhamun's reign was largely unremarkable, although he did make some efforts to undo the religious reforms of his father and return Egypt to the traditional polytheistic religion. He also moved the capital back to Thebes from Akhenaten's capital at Amarna.One of the most significant events of Tutankhamun's reign was his marriage to his half-sister, Ankhesenamun. The marriage was likely arranged to maintain the royal bloodline and avoid any disputes over succession. Tutankhamun and Ankhesenamun did not have any surviving children, although it is possible that they had one or more children who died in infancy.
King Tutankhamun's Death
Tutankhamun's death is one of the most enduring mysteries of ancient Egypt. The exact cause of his death is unknown, although there are several theories.One theory is that Tutankhamun died as a result of an accident or injury. Some evidence suggests that he may have broken his leg shortly before his death, which could have led to an infection or other complications. However, this theory has been disputed by some scholars who argue that the leg injury was not severe enough to have caused his death.Another theory is that Tutankhamun was murdered. Some have suggested that he was assassinated by one of his advisors or that he was the victim of a conspiracy. There is some evidence to support this theory, including the fact that Tutankhamun's body was hastily mummified and that his heart was missing from his body when it was discovered.One of the most intriguing theories about Tutankhamun's death is that he was poisoned. This theory is based on the discovery of elevated levels of a toxic metal called arsenic in Tutankhamun's body. However, some scholars have argued that the arsenic levels could have been the result of embalming materials used during the mummification process.
The Discovery of King Tut's Tomb
Despite his brief reign and unremarkable accomplishments, Tutankhamun has become one of the most famous pharaohs in history due to the discovery of his tomb in 1922. The tomb was discovered by British archaeologist Howard Carter, who had been searching for the tomb for many years.When Carter first entered the tomb, he famously exclaimed, "I see wonderful things!" The tomb was filled with treasures, including gold jewelry, statues, and furniture.The discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb was a landmark event in the history of archaeology, and it captured the imagination of people around the world. The treasures that were found in the tomb provided a glimpse into the opulence and grandeur of the ancient Egyptian civilization.The tomb itself was relatively small compared to other royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings, which may explain why it remained undiscovered for so long. The tomb was also located beneath the tomb of another pharaoh, which may have further obscured its presence.The treasures found in the tomb included a golden mask that covered the pharaoh's mummified face, as well as a chariot, jewelry, and a throne. The tomb also contained four smaller rooms, which contained additional treasures and the remains of various animals that were likely buried as offerings to the gods.The discovery of the tomb sparked a renewed interest in ancient Egypt and led to a surge in the popularity of Egyptology. The treasures from the tomb were exhibited around the world, and they continue to fascinate people to this day.
Egypt Travel Advisory
Top Things to Do in Egypt
Things to do in Egypt
Egypt, The birthplace of ancient civilization, is a country you must have visited at least once in your life. Egypt has accomplished a delicate mission of Balance between modern life and ancient life. If you've always wanted to visit this wonderful country, here are some of the most brilliant things to do in Egypt that are going to make you want to book your Egypt vacation Right now.
1- Pyramids of Giza
The last standing landmark of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, these pyramids, which have been constructed by ancient Egyptians as a tomb of their great Pharaohs, is considered the most considerable landmark to be described in Egypt. This whole structure as a building is a testament to this era's scientific advancements and one of the secrets of the mysterious pharaonic civilization.
2- Temples of Luxor
Luxor, the Pharaohs' old capital, is essentially an open-air museum with a rich past spread in every corner of the Area city. The most notable things to do in Egypt are the Temples of Karnak, and the Memorial at the Temple of Hatshepsut, the Valley of the Kings, and more! All will totally blast your mind.
3-Cairo city
Explore things to do in Egypt by visiting the ancient Islamic Cairo and explore Al-Azhar Mosque, the dazzling Sultan Hassan Mosque, among many other Mosques and minarets from the Fatimid period to the Mameluke era. Try climbing up to the roof of Bab Zuweila, shop at the famous souk of Khan el-Khalil, and soak up the spirit of the ancient city in its countless labyrinths of history.
Alexandria is established by Alexander the Great; this seaside town was the residence of Cleopatra. There are some remnants of the rich history, the buildings' architecture, the grand squares, the parks, the citadel, etc. It's a quiet town where you can chill after a long day or take a lazy walk along the corniche Seashore, enjoy Egyptian food in the cafes, or shop until you're gone.
Among things to do in Egypt, Aswan city is a reminder of Egypt's rich history and culture, an ancient town on the Nile River's south end. You can visit Abu Simble temple, Nubia's settlements, the Tombs of the Nobles, Aswan Botanical Gardens, Elephantine Island, unfinished obelisk, or take a camel journey to the St. Simeon Desert Monastery. check our Nile cruises packages and visit more!
6-Nile cruise
Relax and admire the sights, sounds, and beauty after a hectic drive in Egypt, history, and essence on the Nile River cruise. There are several choices, ranging from 4 days sailing cruise or five days or more. These Nile cruises begin with Luxor and Aswan.
7-Mount Sinai
Mount Sinai A beautiful place to explore Egypt's natural beauty. You should walk the mountain and see a magnificent sunrise or dip In the Red Sea's calming waters.
8-Siwa Oasis
Designed around the remains of an old citadel of mud-brick, sturdy landscape, and hot springs. Don't forget to visit Shali, the ancient town, and the Temple of the Oracle, where Alexander the Great was named Egypt's ruler. Also, take a 4x4 into the desert to see the Great Sand Sea and enjoy the Bedouin style life and the Roman Spring eye. Finally, you have to taste the newly planted dates and olives.
9- The white desert
The White Desert is a wonder of nature and for all nature enthusiasts and international experience. Natural snow-white rock formations are utterly surreal in the middle of the desert. It looks like a sci-fi movie set made by design out of the Cray during sand storms.
Several things to do in Egypt. The past, the history, the food, and nature all of these making it one of the world's most beautiful countries with limitless abundance. Egypt is home to several UNESCO World Heritage sites, which can never be forgotten.
Experience more things to do in Egypt, you can browse our Egypt travel packages and Nile cruises and seize the chance to witness all the beauty of the ancient Egyptian treasures.
Alexandria Travel Blog
Explore Alexandria's Spectacular Tourist Spots!
Welcome to Alexandria, a city teeming with history, culture, and breathtaking sights waiting to be discovered. Nestled along the Mediterranean coastline, Alexandria is a treasure trove of hidden gems just waiting to be explored. I am a Traveller with arround egypt tours and will tell you about the places i loved and visited.
Cairo Historical Sites
Giza Pyramids
Giza Pyramids
The Giza Pyramids rise majestically, captivating the world as one of its most mesmerizing wonders. Yet, the mysteries of their construction, purpose, and timeline linger unanswered. In this article, we embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of why, How, and when Pharaohs built the pyramids.
Why did the Pharaohs build the Giza Pyramids?
The Giza Pyramids have fascinated historians and archaeologists for centuries, with numerous theories attempting to unravel their purpose. The prevailing belief suggests that these colossal structures were erected as tombs for the pharaohs and their consorts upon their demise. Crafted with astounding architectural precision, the Egypt Pyramids showcase the extraordinary skills of ancient Egyptian builders. Each limestone block, weighing several tons, contributes to the sheer grandeur of these monuments, challenging our modern understanding of construction techniques. One prevalent theory suggests that the pyramids symbolized the divine authority and everlasting legacy of the Pharaohs. Driven by the belief in the immortality of their souls, the pharaohs aimed to immortalize their reign through these monumental structures. Moreover, some scholars propose that the alignment of the pyramids with celestial events, such as the Great Pyramid's alignment with the North Pole star, reflects the ancient Egyptians' profound interest in astronomy. That implies that astronomical knowledge played a significant role in the building architectural wonders. Despite the plethora of theories, the exact purpose behind the Great Pyramids of Giza's construction remains elusive. Nevertheless, their enduring allure continues to captivate people worldwide, serving as a testament to the remarkable achievements of ancient civilizations and a symbol of human ingenuity across generations.
Embark on a journey through time with our exclusive Egypt travel packages and witness the magnificence of the Giza Pyramids firsthand.
Luxor Tourist Attractions
Discovering the Enchanting History of Luxor Temple: A Guide to Its Facts and Secrets
Introduction to Luxor Temple
Located on the east bank of the Nile River in the city of Luxor, Luxor Temple is one of the most ancient and impressive structures in the world. It is a magnificent temple complex that was built during the New Kingdom period of Ancient Egypt, around 1400 BCE. The temple is dedicated to the god Amun, his wife Mut, and their son Khonsu. Luxor Temple is considered one of the most important religious sites in Egypt and is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site known as the Ancient Thebes with its Necropolis.
History of Luxor Temple - who built it
The construction of Luxor Temple began during the reign of Amenhotep III, the ninth pharaoh of the 18th dynasty of Ancient Egypt. It was built on the site of an earlier temple that was constructed by Amenhotep's grandfather, Amenhotep II. The temple was then expanded and modified by later pharaohs, including Tutankhamun, Horemheb, and Ramesses II.
The temple was built to celebrate the annual Opet Festival, a major religious festival in Ancient Egypt that celebrated the union of the god Amun with the goddess Mut. During the festival, the statues of Amun, Mut, and Khonsu were taken from Karnak Temple, a larger temple complex located two miles north of Luxor Temple, and brought to Luxor Temple. The festival lasted for 27 days and was a time of great celebration and ritual.
Significance of Luxor Temple in Ancient Egyptian religion
Luxor Temple was considered one of the most important religious sites in Ancient Egypt. It was believed to be the place where the god Amun would manifest himself in his physical form, and where he would receive offerings and prayers from his followers. The temple was also considered a place of great power, and was believed to have the ability to bestow blessings and protection on those who visited it.
The temple was also home to a number of important religious ceremonies and rituals. One of the most important of these was the Opet Festival, which celebrated the union of Amun with Mut. The temple was also the site of the Sed Festival, a ceremony that was held to celebrate the pharaoh's jubilee and to reaffirm his power and authority.
Architecture of Luxor Temple
The architecture of Luxor Temple is a testament to the skill and artistry of the Ancient Egyptians. The temple is laid out in a traditional Egyptian temple style, with a series of courtyards, halls, and chambers. The temple's main entrance is through a massive pylon, or gateway, that is flanked by two massive statues of Ramesses II. Beyond the pylon is a large courtyard, surrounded by a series of smaller chambers and halls.
The most impressive part of the temple is the hypostyle hall, a massive hall with 134 columns arranged in 16 rows. The columns are each over 10 meters tall and are intricately carved with hieroglyphs and scenes from Egyptian mythology. The hall was used for a variety of religious ceremonies and rituals, and was considered one of the most sacred parts of the temple.
Exploration of the temple - main sections and features
The temple is divided into several main sections and features. The main entrance is through the pylon, which leads into the first courtyard. Beyond the courtyard is the hypostyle hall, which is considered the most impressive part of the temple. Beyond the hypostyle hall is the sanctuary, which was the most sacred part of the temple.
The sanctuary is a small chamber that contains a shrine to Amun, Mut, and Khonsu. The shrine is made of gold and is surrounded by a series of smaller chambers and rooms. The sanctuary was the site of a number of important religious ceremonies and rituals, and was considered the most powerful part of the temple.
When Was Luxor Temple Built?
The Luxor Temple was built during the New Kingdom period in ancient Egypt, around 1400 BCE. It was built to honor the god Amun, who was considered the king of all gods. The temple was constructed on the site of an older temple that was built by Amenhotep III, which was dedicated to the Theban Triad of gods – Amun, Mut, and Khonsu. However, the Luxor Temple was expanded and renovated over the centuries by many pharaohs including Tutankhamun, Ramses II, and Alexander the Great.
Where Is the Luxor Temple Located?
The Luxor Temple is located in the city of Luxor, which was the ancient capital of Egypt during the New Kingdom period. The temple is situated on the east bank of the Nile River, opposite the city of Karnak, which was also an important religious center in ancient Egypt. The Luxor Temple is easily accessible by car, taxi or public transport, and visitors can also take a boat ride across the Nile River to get to the temple.
How Big Is the Luxor Temple?
The Luxor Temple covers an area of about 25 hectares and is one of the largest and most impressive temples in Egypt. The temple is designed in the classic Egyptian architectural style, with a large courtyard, hypostyle hall, and several smaller chambers and sanctuaries. The hypostyle hall is particularly impressive, with 32 massive columns that are over 20 meters tall, and are adorned with intricate carvings and hieroglyphics.
How Old Is Luxor Temple?
The Luxor Temple is over 3,400 years old, and has been a significant religious and cultural site in Egypt for centuries. It was built during the New Kingdom period, which was a time of great prosperity and cultural achievement in ancient Egypt. The temple has survived numerous wars, invasions, and natural disasters over the centuries, and remains one of the best-preserved ancient Egyptian temples in the world.
Why Is the Luxor Temple Important?
The Luxor Temple is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it was one of the most important religious centers in ancient Egypt, and was dedicated to the god Amun, who was considered the king of all gods. The temple was also used for various ceremonies and festivals, and was an important political and economic center as well. Secondly, the Luxor Temple is a remarkable example of ancient Egyptian architecture and art, and is adorned with beautiful carvings, hieroglyphics, and statues that depict various gods, pharaohs, and other important figures. Finally, the Luxor Temple is also an important archaeological site, and has yielded many important discoveries over the years, including the remains of ancient buildings, artifacts, and inscriptions.
Luxor Temple Opening Hours
The Luxor Temple is open to visitors daily from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm. However, it is recommended to visit the temple in the early morning or late afternoon when it is less crowded and the light is more favorable for photography. Visitors are also advised to wear comfortable shoes and clothing, and to bring plenty of water and sunscreen as the temple can get very hot and dry during the day.
Unique facts and secrets about Luxor Temple
Despite being one of the most well-known and well-studied temples in Egypt, Luxor Temple still holds many secrets and mysteries. One of the most interesting of these is the fact that the temple was built on top of an even older temple, which was dedicated to the god Amun. The remains of this older temple can still be seen in the foundations of the current temple.
Another interesting fact about Luxor Temple is that it was used as a Christian church during the Roman period. Many of the temple's original features and decorations were destroyed or covered up during this time, but some traces of the original temple can still be seen.
Restoration and preservation of Luxor Temple
Luxor Temple has undergone a number of restoration and preservation projects over the years. In the 19th century, the temple was cleaned and restored by French archaeologist Gaston Maspero. More recently, the temple has undergone a major restoration project funded by the Egyptian government and UNESCO. The project involved cleaning and repairing the temple's walls and columns, as well as restoring some of the original decorations and features.
Visiting Luxor Temple - tips and recommendations
If you are planning a visit to Luxor Temple, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, be sure to wear comfortable shoes, as the temple complex is quite large and involves a lot of walking. You should also bring plenty of water, as it can get quite hot in Luxor. It's also a good idea to bring a guidebook or hire a guide, as the temple is quite complex and can be difficult to navigate without some background knowledge.
Luxor Temple Entrance Fee
The entrance fee for the Luxor Temple varies depending on your nationality and age. For foreign tourists, the entrance fee is 200 Egyptian pounds (EGP), which is roughly equivalent to $12 USD. For students and children, the entrance fee is 100 EGP. However, if you are an Egyptian citizen or resident, the entrance fee is only 20 EGP.
Other temples in Luxor - a brief overview
Luxor is home to a number of other important temples, including Hatshepsut Temple, Valley of the kings, Karnak Temple, Medinet Habu, and the Ramesseum. Karnak Temple is the largest temple complex in Egypt and is located just two miles north of Luxor Temple. Medinet Habu is a temple complex that was built by Ramesses III and is located on the west bank of the Nile. The Ramesseum is a temple that was built by Ramesses II and is located on the west bank of the Nile.
Conclusion - the enduring legacy of Luxor Temple
Luxor Temple is a testament to the skill and artistry of the Ancient Egyptians. It is a magnificent temple complex that has been the site of religious ceremonies and rituals for thousands of years. Despite being thousands of years old, the temple still holds many secrets and mysteries, and continues to be a source of fascination and wonder for visitors from around the world. If you are planning a trip to Egypt, be sure to include a visit to Luxor Temple on your itinerary.
Are you planning a visit to Egypt? Don't miss the chance to explore the ancient and enchanting Luxor Temple. Book your Egypt Vacation today and experience the wonders of this incredible temple complex.
Things to do in Aswan
When was Aswan Dam built?
The location of the Aswan dam
The Aswan Dam is located in the south of Egypt, Aswan crosses the Nile River and utilizes its power for several social and economic cases.
History of building Aswan Dam
British engineers started working on the first Aswan Dam in 1899 and completed the work in 1902, but the final result showed to be inadequate for the strong currents of the Nile. Some attempts to raise the height of the Dam had been carried out, but it still insufficient.The Egyptian government decided to build a second dam after the 1952 Egyptian Revolution, and the building lasted until 1970. The second Dam was primarily intended to be a joint project between Egypt, the United States, and Great Britain. But Unfortunately, the foreign backers canceled the funding before construction began.Therefore, The Soviet Union offered to provide some of the needed funding to gain a foothold in Africa during the Cold War. They also provided technicians and large machinery, as well as funds.
Benefits of the High Dam
The essential benefit of the Aswan Dam is controlling the annual flooding of the Nile River. Also, the Dam has helped the agricultural industries in the area as it provided much-needed water for irrigation, as well as producing electricity from the hydroelectric output of the river. The Dam granted small villages in Egypt the luxury of using electricity for the first time. Lake Nasser, named in his honor, is the giant reservoir created by the Dam –300 miles long and 10 miles wide. Its formation required the resettlement of 90,000 Egyptian peasants and Sudanese Nubian nomads. Most of the water that enters into Lake Nasser is dedicated to agricultural causes; the water is applied to crops on the field through a system that allows two crops a year to be produced, in contrast with the natural precipitation which allowed one crop only in the year. This enhanced the economy of the country.
What happened to the Archaeological sites for building the Dam
Nearly 22 monuments and architectural complexes that were threatened by flooding from Lake Nasser, including the Abu Simbel temples, were relocated to the shores of the lake under the UNESCO Campaign for Nubia. Other monuments that were relocated are Philae, Kalabsha, Amada, The Debod temple, The Temple of Dendur, The Temple of Taffeh, The Temple of Ellesyia, and The temple of Ramses II.
Ancient Egypt
Kemet Egypt - A Journey Through Ancient History
Kemet, also known as Ancient Egypt, is a fascinating civilization that has captivated the world for centuries. Its history, culture, and contributions to human civilization have left a lasting impact on the world. In this article, we will explore the history of Kemet, its culture, religion, achievements, and its legacy.
Egypt Travel Advisory
4 Best Archaeological and Cultural Egypt Tourist Attractions
Egypt, the heart of the ancient world, and the owner of the largest civilization in history for thousands of years, has many attractive tourist places.
It contains many historical places in multiple eras that attract lovers of Egyptian civilization from everywhere. Egypt tourist attractions vary between the monuments of the pharaonic cities, including the pyramids, which are one of the Seven Wonders of the World and the most wonderful human-built in history, and other wonderful destinations.
There are many types of tourism in Egypt as well, including medical and religious tourism, and it also enjoys beautiful beaches full of coral reefs and different types of fish with wonderful colors.
It is one of the least expensive tourist countries in the world. At the level of tourism diversity, tourism in Egypt includes various forms, which makes Egypt's various tourist cities meet the tastes of all tourists of all kinds.
So, if you are determined to travel to Egypt, here is a short tour through which we will learn about the best Egypt tourist Attractions. You should visit at least one of them.
Here are the 4 best archaeological and cultural Egypt tourist attractions.
The antiquities of Egypt and its tourist areas are spread throughout its various regions, but there are about 7 cities that are the most attractive and famous among tourists. These cities overcrowded with dozens of tourist historic sites in Egypt, or enjoy a beautiful and distinctive coastal nature.
So in the following lines we will briefly address the most important tourist cities in Egypt and the best tourist Attractions in Egypt in various cities.
1.Tourism in Giza
There are many types of tourism in Giza, such as historical archaeological tourism and medical tourism, which is represented by 400 eyes in the Bahariya Oasis to recover from diseases, recreational and Islamic tourism.
The Three Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx
The pyramids are one of the most important Egypt tourist attractions, and you can enjoy seeing the creativity of the ancient Egyptian architects and builders in making these three masterpieces from more than 40 centuries.
With taking photographs for you with them and entering the Great Pyramid and visiting the royal tombs available if you want. Then you can take a tour of the area on the back of a camel or a horse. You can buy special souvenirs for family and friends from the shops that surround the place, and have a delicious meal at one of the nearby restaurants.
The ancestors of the pharaohs built the Great Sphinx, which has a majestic genius design; Believing that it would be a shield protecting their royal tombs treasures from theft. It has now become the subject of wonderful photographs by day and amazing nighttime audio performances showing the glories of the Pharaohs “Sound and Light.”
Saqqara Pyramid
It is considered an open archaeological museum, as Saqqara meets with most periods of ancient Egyptian history.
We find dozens of tombs from the ancient era, and pyramids for the kings and queens of the Fifth and Sixth Dynasties. It contains the greatest tombs of the ancient state, as the peak of art in the ancient state is found in Saqqara. It has some of the pyramids of kings of the Middle Kingdom, the Modern State and the Late Age. It also has the burials of the sacred calf Apis "Sarabium", and in the Coptic era, Saqqara owns Deir-Anba Jeremiah, Jeremiah, and much more.
Pharaonic Village
The Pharaonic Village is one of the most beautiful tourist attractions in Giza. It shows the state of Pharaonic Egypt. Since entering the village, you can see Egypt thousands of years ago.
The tourist takes a Nile river cruise in which he can see all the contents of the village. You can see the Mummification Museum, the Museum of the Pyramid Builders, the Cleopatra Museum, and other museums that review the history of Egypt.
The scenes that you see during the Nile cruise in the village will take you that you traveled in time to the era of the pharaohs. You can see people in the living museum, and semi-extinct birds. The village includes places to buy souvenirs of a pharaonic character and an entertainment area for children.
2.Tourism in Cairo
Since it has been the country's administrative capital for many centuries. It is natural that it includes a variety of tourist areas in Egypt that cater to different tastes, as Cairo is one of the most diverse and full of Egypt tourist attractions.
In Cairo, you will find religious tourism landmarks through mosques, churches and museums of a religious nature such as the Islamic and Coptic Museum. Entertainment tourism through parks, international shopping centers, local markets, art centers, cinemas, Nile cruises, historical tourism by visiting various museums.
The most important landmarks of the city of Cairo:
The Grand Egyptian Museum
Home to King Tutankhamun's collection of treasures, the Grand Egyptian Museum will be the largest archaeological museum complex in the world when it opens in Cairo. It contains a collection of about one hundred thousand artifacts, it also houses a 3D cinema and a museum dedicated to children.
Citadel of Salah al-Din al-Ayubi (Citadel of the Mountain)
It includes within it several mosques, such as the Mosque of Muhammad Ali, which he built in the heart of the Citadel, the Mosque and Madrasah of Al-Nasir Qalawun, and the Mosque of Ajmad Katkhuda. The castle also includes Joseph's Well, the castle military school, the beating house, the castle industry house, Bab Al-Ezz workshops, and the Egyptian army barracks. The Citadel is one of the best tourist destinations in Cairo.
Khan Al-Khalili
It is one of the most famous and oldest markets in Egypt and the world. It dates back to 6 centuries ago in the sale of souvenirs and handicrafts. You can find textile and leather manufactures, copper, silver and gold works through small adjacent shops that represent the body of antique traditional markets.
3.Tourism in Luxor
Luxor or (Thebes), as it was called in the past, is one of the most famous tourist cities in Egypt, where its population exceeds more than one million and three hundred people.
The city of Luxor was famous throughout the ages, starting from the ancient state until our time. It was taken as the capital of Egypt, and inhabited by many families belonging to the ancient Egyptian dynasties.
There are many tourist activities that attract tourists to visit the city, including hot air ballooning, guided tours, boarding Nile cruises. It also holds many sports tournaments on its lands, such as the Luxor International Taekwondo Championship, the World Cup of Billiards, the Luxor International Marathon, the African Cycling Championship pneumatic.
Karnak Temple (one of the greatest Egypt tourist attractions)
Karnak Temple is one of the most famous temples in Luxor and is located in the north of the city. The temple includes 11 temples inside and was built more than 4500 years ago.
The temple contains a edifice and a courtyard with many statues that embody the goddess Sekhmet, and another courtyard that contains columns, the hall of the saints, and the Holy Mass. Luxor Temple can be reached to the south by taking the road of rams that connects the two temples to each other.
Luxor Temple
The external construction of the temple is formed by the presence of the Sphinx Road paved with slabs of stone and statues in the form of the Sphinx on both sides of the road. At the forefront of the museum there are two obelisks of pink granite. The western obelisk was gifted to France in 1836 AD to decorate the Place de la Concorde in Paris
The eastern obelisk is located in front of the northern tower and is characterized by the emergence of four monkeys saluting the sun at its rising. On the northern side there is the mosque of Abu al-Hajjaj al-Luxor. The right wing highlights the inscriptions of the battles fought by King Ramses II. The left wing is a complete inscribed description that highlights the courage of Ramses II in his confrontation with the Hittites.
Valley of the Kings and Queens
It is divided into the eastern and western valleys and was built to build tombs for the pharaohs and nobles in the era of the modern state. The princesses, and the king deliberately hid them so that they would not be looted.
4.Tourism in Aswan
The city of Aswan, located on the banks of the Nile River in the south, which embraces the ancient Egyptian civilization. Therefore, tourism in Aswan is a destination for thousands of tourists annually.
Aswan Governorate includes many important cultural and archaeological monuments, where complete museums and temples that still exist today in all their grandeur, such as the Temple of Philae and the Temple of Kom Ombo. Aswan is also famous for medical tourism.
Luxor and Aswan are two connected tourist destinations and we advise you to visit them together.
Medical Tourism Areas
Aswan is one of the most important tourism centers in Egypt with the aim of recovering from incurable diseases such as bone and joint pain and skin diseases.
One of the most famous of these areas is Wadi Al-Allaqi, the Isis Island Resort, Abu Simbel, the Damira area. Where the affected areas of the body are buried or massaged with yellow sand Saturated with sunlight or brown clay sand for the purpose of treatment.
Philae Temple
Philae Temple in Aswan is a beautiful temple that attracts tourists. It was rescued from drowning after the construction of the High Dam, by UNESCO and transferred from the island of Philae to the island of Agilika.
The temple includes many huge columns, carved with decorations, inscriptions and murals with wonderful drawings, which lived through many antique historical eras. And do not forget to take souvenir pictures of you next to this great architectural building.
Abu Simbel Temple
Abu Simbel Temple in Aswan is famous for its amazing ancient and modern architectural and engineering designs. It is one of the most important tourist areas in Aswan, to which tourists come constantly from all over the world. The temple is located west of Lake Nasser, the largest artificial lake in the world.
Abu Simbel Temple is one of the most important tourist destinations in Egypt. Although this temple was covered with sand in the desert until it was rediscovered in 1813 AD, but because it includes two temples containing four statues, this made it a distinctive tourist landmark.
What increased its tourist value is also due to its distinctive construction. It makes the inner sanctuary illuminated by sunlight during two days a year, and accordingly thousands of tourists come to watch and celebrate this phenomenon.
Cairo Historical Sites
Djoser's Step Pyramid: The Monument that Revolutionized Ancient Egyptian Architecture
Djoser's Step Pyramid in Saqqara is undoubtedly one of Egypt's most iconic monuments, and rightfully so. This magnificent structure marks a pivotal moment in ancient Egyptian history, as it set the stage for the architectural marvels that followed. In this comprehensive article, we'll delve into the fascinating details of Djoser's Step Pyramid, exploring its historical significance, architectural innovations, and the secrets that still lie beneath its layers.
Luxor Tourist Attractions
What was the aim of the Karnak temples?
What was the aim of the Karnak temples?
When you plan for a vacation to Egypt and decide to visit Karnak, you're paying a visit to the center of Egypt during the New Kingdom. This huge temple complex was in the middle of the traditional faith, while power was concentrated at Thebes (modern-day Luxor), and its significance is reflected in its enormous size. Additionally to its religious significance, it served as a treasury, place of work, and palace for the New Kingdom pharaohs. It's considered because the largest temple complex ever constructed anywhere in the world.It developed over a period of 1500 years, added to by generation after generation of pharaohs and leading to a group of temples, sanctuaries, pylons, and other decorations that are unparalleled throughout Egypt.While the peak of its importance was during the New Kingdom and famous pharaohs like Hatshepsut, Tuthmose III, Seti I, and Ramses the Great all contributed significant additions to the complex, and construction continued into the Greco-Roman Period with the Ptolemies, Romans, and early Christians all leaving their mark here
How are the structures of the Karnak temples Complex:
Karnak is divided into three compounds: the precinct of Amun, the precinct of Mut, and the precinct of Montu; however, for many visitors, the biggest of those, the precinct of Amun, is enough. Its complicated layout alone dwarfs every other site that you will visit in Egypt. The precinct of Amun contains all of the first famous sections of the Karnak complex, including the dizzying Great Hypostyle Hall. This hall of 134 massive columns. Going into the detailed description of the various elements that form up the complex could be a nearly endless task that we'll leave to a guide. Instead, we'll suggest that you allow lots of time to explore this vast complex and admire the various impressive sights. Imagine how awe-inspiring it must be over 2000 thousand years ago when these immense structures were newly constructed.Like all of the essential sights in Egypt, Karnak includes a sound and light-weight show that's offered in several different languages. The show takes place three times an evening, but you ought to consult your guide about the available languages of the various showings.Stroll the sites of the pharaohs of Egypt and find out the ancient temples while visiting the Karnak temples through one amongst our Egypt Nile Cruises.
Things to do in Aswan
Discover the Hidden Gems of Aswan City: A Guide to the Best Attractions and Activities!
Aswan City is a hidden gem in Egypt that is often overlooked by tourists. However, this ancient city has so much to offer, from historic landmarks to cultural experiences and adventure activities. In this guide, we will take you through the best attractions and activities that Aswan City has to offer. Whether you are a history buff, a nature lover, or an adventure seeker, Aswan City has something for everyone.
Introduction to Aswan City
Aswan City is located in the southern part of Egypt and is often referred to as the gateway to Africa. This ancient city has a rich history that dates back to the Pharaonic era. Aswan City is home to some of the most iconic landmarks in Egypt, including the Aswan Dam, Philae Temple, and the Unfinished Obelisk. In addition to its historic landmarks, Aswan City is also known for its natural beauty, with the Nile River, Lake Nasser, and Elephantine Island offering stunning scenery.
Top Aswan attractions and landmarks
If you are planning a trip to Aswan City, there are several attractions and landmarks that you should not miss. One of the most iconic landmarks in Aswan City is the Aswan Dam. This impressive structure spans the Nile River and was built in the 1960s to control the flooding of the Nile and generate hydroelectric power. Visitors can take a tour of the dam and learn about its history and engineering.Another must-see attraction in Aswan City is the Philae Temple. This ancient temple was dedicated to the goddess Isis and was moved from its original location on Philae Island to its current location on Agilkia Island in the 1970s to save it from being submerged by the rising waters of Lake Nasser. The temple is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is known for its stunning architecture and intricate carvings.
Exploring the Aswan Dam and Lake Nasser
The Aswan Dam is not only an impressive feat of engineering but also offers stunning views of the Nile River and Lake Nasser. Visitors can take a boat tour of the lake and see the various islands and temples that are scattered throughout the area. The lake is also a popular spot for fishing and water sports, such as kayaking and windsurfing.If you are interested in learning more about the history and culture of the area, you can also take a tour of the Nubian villages that are located along the shores of Lake Nasser. These villages offer a glimpse into the traditional way of life of the Nubian people, who are known for their colorful clothing, music, and dance.
Nubian culture and traditions
The Nubian people have a rich history and culture that is unique to the Aswan region. One of the best ways to experience Nubian culture is to visit the Nubian Museum in Aswan City. This museum showcases the history, art, and culture of the Nubian people, with exhibits that range from ancient artifacts to contemporary art.
Another way to experience Nubian culture is to attend a traditional Nubian music and dance performance. These performances are often held in local cafes or restaurants and feature colorful costumes, lively music, and energetic dance moves.
Philae Temple and other ancient sites
In addition to the Philae Temple, Aswan City is home to several other ancient sites that are worth visiting. The Temple of Kom Ombo, which is located about 50 kilometers north of Aswan City, is a unique temple that is dedicated to two gods, Sobek and Horus. The temple is known for its unusual design, with two identical entrances and two sets of chambers and halls.
Another ancient site that is worth visiting is the Abu Simbel temples. These temples were built by Pharaoh Ramesses II in the 13th century BC and were also moved to their current location to save them from being submerged by the rising waters of Lake Nasser. The temples are known for their impressive size and intricate carvings.
Cruise along the Nile River
One of the best ways to experience the beauty of Aswan City is to take a cruise along the Nile River. There are several cruise options available, from luxury cruises to budget-friendly options. During the cruise, you can sit back and relax while taking in the stunning scenery of the Nile River and the surrounding landscape.
Aswan Botanical Garden and Elephantine Island
For nature lovers, the Aswan Botanical Garden and Elephantine Island are must-visit destinations. The botanical garden is located on Kitchener Island and is home to a wide variety of plants and trees from around the world. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll through the garden and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.
Elephantine Island, which is located in the Nile River, is known for its ancient ruins and historic sites. The island was a major center of trade and commerce in ancient times and was once home to a temple dedicated to the god Khnum. Visitors can explore the ruins and learn about the history of the island at the Elephantine Island Museum.
Local markets and shopping
No trip to Aswan City is complete without a visit to the local markets. The Aswan Souk, which is located in the heart of Aswan City, is a bustling market that is known for its colorful stalls and traditional handicrafts. Visitors can browse through the stalls and purchase souvenirs, such as jewelry, textiles, and pottery.
Adventure activities in Aswan
For adventure seekers, Aswan City offers several exciting activities. One of the most popular activities is hot air ballooning, which offers stunning views of the Nile River and the surrounding landscape. Visitors can also go camel trekking in the desert, take a quad biking tour, or go hiking in the nearby mountains.
Unfinished Obelisk in Aswan
The Unfinished Obelisk is one of the most unique landmarks in Aswan City. This massive obelisk was carved out of solid granite but was never completed. Visitors can see the obelisk in its unfinished state and learn about the ancient quarrying techniques that were used to carve it.Conclusion: Why Aswan City should be on your travel bucket list.
Aswan City is a hidden gem in Egypt that offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. From its iconic landmarks and ancient sites to its vibrant markets and adventure activities, Aswan City has something for everyone. If you are planning a trip to Egypt, be sure to put Aswan City on your travel bucket list. You won't be disappointed!
See Also
All What you Need to Know about The Nubian Customs and Villages
Kom Ombo Temple
Philae Temple
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt dynasty
The Ancient Egypt dynasty was one of the world's most advanced civilizations that flourished along the Nile River in Northeast Africa for over three millennia. The history of ancient Egypt is divided into several dynasties, each marked by the reign of a different pharaoh or ruler.
Here's a brief overview of the major dynasties of ancient Egypt:
Early Dynastic Period (c. 3100-2686 BCE): This period marked the rise of the first pharaohs of Egypt and the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt. The most famous pharaoh of this period was King Narmer.
Old Kingdom (c. 2686-2181 BCE): This period saw the construction of the great pyramids and the establishment of the first centralized government in the world. The most famous pharaohs of this period were Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure.
First Intermediate Period (c. 2181-2055 BCE): This period marked a time of political and social unrest in Egypt, with power struggles between various regional rulers.
Middle Kingdom (c. 2055-1650 BCE): This period saw the reunification of Egypt under the pharaoh Mentuhotep II and the establishment of a strong central government. The most famous pharaohs of this period were Amenemhat I, Senusret I, and Amenemhat III.
Second Intermediate Period (c. 1650-1550 BCE): This period marked a time of foreign domination in Egypt, with the arrival of the Hyksos, a group of Asiatic people who ruled Egypt.
New Kingdom (c. 1550-1069 BCE): This period marked the golden age of ancient Egypt, with the rise of powerful pharaohs such as Hatshepsut, Thutmose III, Akhenaten, Tutankhamun, and Ramesses II. The period also saw the expansion of Egyptian influence beyond the Nile Valley and into the Near East.
Third Intermediate Period (c. 1069-664 BCE): This period marked a time of decline and instability in Egypt, with the emergence of multiple competing centers of power and the weakening of the central government.
Late Period (c. 664-332 BCE): This period saw the rise of foreign powers such as the Assyrians, Persians, and Greeks, who gradually gained control over Egypt.
Overall, the dynastic history of ancient Egypt is a fascinating and complex topic that sheds light on one of the world's most enduring civilizations.
Egypt Travel Advisory
The Best Places to visit in Egypt
From diving deep into the crystal clear waters of the Red Sea and star gazing amidst the vastness of the desert to floating down the Nile River and gawking at the ruins of one of the world's oldest civilizations. When it comes to travel experiences around the world, Egypt is a unique destination that leaves visitors spoiled for choice.
With a lot to see, the struggle for many visitors is just where to start; As always, I'm happy to help you! Here is my selection of the four best places to visit in Egypt.
Abu Simbel temples
Perhaps the most impressive temple in all of ancient Egypt with its gigantic rock-cut facade, the great Sun Temple of King Ramses II at Abu Simbel was created in honor of the mighty King Ramses II. Guarding the entrance to the temple and carved into the side of a mountain are four colossal statues of the pharaoh himself. In a rush of architectural precision and selfishness, Ramses II had the entire temple carefully angled and oriented so that the sun's rays would line up twice a year on the date of his accession to the throne (February 21) and his birthday ( October 21) and illuminate the internal sanctuary of the temple. This incredible natural phenomenon offers a spectacular spectacle known as the King Ramses II Sun Festival.
Alexandria and El Alamein
Founded by the legendary Alexander the Great, it is a charming city located on the northern coast of Egypt, bathed by the beautiful Mediterranean Sea. The fact that Alexandria was once home to the Pharos, a lighthouse (albeit collapsed) that was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, is a huge draw for travelers. You may not be able to witness this epic structure today, but the city is still steeped in its importance, and a visit to the National Museum of Alexandria is sure to help you learn about Alexandria's cultural heritage and intriguing past. Traveling from Alexandria to Cairo, you can also stop at the site of some of the most brutal battles of the second world war, El Alamein. It has become a unique pilgrimage site for people who wish to pay their respects to those lost during the fight. The rows of graves in the various war cemeteries are a permanent reminder of the tragic loss suffered by every country involved. However, El Alamein is not just a sad relic of the past; it is the perfect place to appreciate life and its moments of pleasure.
One of the fascinating cities and starting point for most tours in Egypt is Cairo. You can get a glimpse of Cairo's lesser-known and more intriguing suburbs on the Backstreets of Cairo tour, which is exclusive to On The Go at the start of most group tours in Egypt. Also, be sure to grab a bargain in the lively Khan el Khalili bazaar and enjoy a high tea at one of the nearby cafes, which is ideal for people-watching. Another highlight is the magnificent Saladin Islamic Citadel and the Sultan Hassan Mosque, which is beautifully illuminated at night.
When the long-awaited Grand Egyptian Museum finally opens its doors later in 2022, you can add it to the long list of reasons to visit Cairo.
Pyramids of Giza
Eternally one of Egypt's top attractions, no visitor should leave without visiting the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx of Giza. They are the only seven wonders of the world left from the ancient world and are more than 4,600 years old. They're an imposing sight, and the whole complex is still shrouded in mystery.
If time is an issue, it is possible to see the main parts of the pyramid site in about 2 hours, but spend a full day in this area if your schedule allows.
So that's it! This is my guide to the best places to visit in Egypt. There are so many great places to visit in Egypt, and this guide is just to get you started planning your Egypt vacation.
Cairo Historical Sites
The Red Pyramid ( Bent Pyramid of Sneferu) : A Marvel of Ancient Egyptian Architecture
The Red Pyramid, also known as the North Pyramid, is a true testament to the architectural prowess of the ancient Egyptians. It stands tall as one of the most well-preserved and fascinating pyramids in Egypt. Built by Pharaoh Sneferu, the father of the famous Khufu, the Red Pyramid is an iconic structure that has captivated the hearts and minds of historians and tourists alike. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the history, design, and significance of this incredible monument.
Luxor Tourist Attractions
The Temple of Hathor at Dendera: Your Ultimate Guide to Dendera Temple
Are you a history enthusiast looking for a captivating adventure? Or perhaps, an ardent traveler who is always on the lookout for unique and awe-inspiring destinations? If so, then you must add the Temple of Hathor at Dendera to your bucket list of must-visit places. This ancient temple is one of the most enchanting and intriguing places in Egypt, holding a plethora of mysteries and fascinating stories that are waiting to be unveiled.
Introduction to the Temple of Hathor at Dendera
The Temple of Hathor at Dendera is a complex of ancient Egyptian temples located in the city of Dendera, which is situated on the west bank of the Nile, around 60 kilometers north of Luxor. The temple complex is dedicated to Hathor, the goddess of love, beauty, and music, and is considered one of the best-preserved temples in Egypt.
Visitors to the Temple of Hathor at Dendera will be mesmerized by the intricate carvings, colorful hieroglyphs, and unique architecture of the temple, which provide a glimpse into the rich and fascinating history of ancient Egypt.
Where is the Temple of Hathor Located? who built it?
The Temple of Hathor at Dendera is located in the city of Dendera, which is situated on the west bank of the Nile, around 60 kilometers north of Luxor. The temple was built during the Ptolemaic period, which began in 305 BC and ended with the death of Cleopatra VII in 30 BC.
The temple was built by a series of pharaohs, including Ptolemy XII and Cleopatra VII, and was later expanded and renovated by Roman emperors such as Augustus and Tiberius.
Who is Hathor?
Oh boy, let me tell you about Hathor, the Egyptian sky goddess of love, fertility and music! She is one of the most fascinating and complex deities in the Ancient Egyptian pantheon. Not only was she associated with the sky, but she was also the main goddess of birth and motherhood. Hathor was highly revered by the Egyptians and was known for her benevolence and kindness towards humanity.
Her name itself is intriguing, as it translates to "House of Horus" in Ancient Egyptian. This is because she was often represented as the counterpart of Horus, another important deity in Egyptian mythology. In fact, inside the Temple of Hathor, there is an underground crypt that features a detailed illustration of Horus, which is considered to be the most detailed depiction of the deity in the world.
But back to Hathor herself - she was also known for her love of music and dance. In fact, she was often depicted holding a sistrum, which was a musical instrument used in Ancient Egypt. Many festivals were dedicated to her where music and dance were performed in her honor.
In addition to her associations with love, fertility, and music, Hathor was also considered to be a goddess of joy and happiness. She was often depicted with a beautiful, serene expression on her face, which inspired feelings of peace and contentment in those who worshipped her.
Overall, Hathor is a truly fascinating deity with a rich history and many layers of symbolism and meaning. She continues to capture the imaginations of people around the world, even thousands of years after her worship was practiced in Ancient Egypt.History of the Temple of Hathor at Dendera
The Temple of Hathor at Dendera has a long and fascinating history, dating back to the Old Kingdom period in Egypt, which began around 2686 BC. The temple was originally a small shrine dedicated to Hathor, but it was later expanded by the pharaohs of the New Kingdom period, including Seti I and Ramesses II.
During the Ptolemaic period, the temple was further expanded and renovated, with the addition of new chapels, halls, and sanctuaries. The temple was also used as a center for astronomical observations, and the famous Dendera zodiac was carved on the ceiling of the main hall during this period.
Architecture and design of the Temple of Hathor at Dendera
The Temple of Hathor at Dendera is a marvel of ancient Egyptian architecture and design. The temple complex consists of several buildings, including the main temple, the mammisi or birth house, and several chapels and shrines.
The main temple is built on a high platform and is entered through a massive gateway. The temple has a hypostyle hall with 18 columns, each adorned with intricate carvings of the goddess Hathor. The walls of the hall are covered with colorful hieroglyphs and reliefs depicting various scenes from Egyptian mythology.
The mammisi or birth house is a small building located near the main temple. It was used to celebrate the birth of Hathor's son, Horus, and is adorned with beautiful carvings and reliefs depicting the goddess Nut and other deities.
Significant artifacts and relics found in the Temple of Hathor at Dendera
The Temple of Hathor at Dendera is home to many significant artifacts and relics, including the famous Dendera zodiac, which is a detailed astronomical chart depicting the constellations of the night sky.
Other notable artifacts found in the temple complex include the statue of Hathor, which is made of black granite and stands over 7 meters tall, and the relief of Cleopatra VII, which depicts the queen dressed in Egyptian garb and offering gifts to the goddess Hathor.
Conclusion: The enduring allure of the Temple of Hathor at Dendera
The Temple of Hathor at Dendera is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in ancient Egyptian history and architecture. The temple complex is a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of the ancient Egyptians, and it provides a fascinating glimpse into their rich and mysterious culture.
Whether you are a first-time visitor to Egypt or a seasoned traveler, the Temple of Hathor at Dendera is a destination that should not be missed. So pack your bags, grab your camera, and get ready to explore the wonders of ancient Egypt!
Chose from our Egypt Vacations and experience the enchanting mysteries of this ancient Egyptian temples for yourself!
Things to do in Aswan
Who built Aswan dam?
The dam was conceived as an ambitious, multi-purpose project aimed at improving irrigation and water resource control and development, increasing cultivation, providing protection against high floods and severe drought, and facilitating navigation, fishery expansion and electric power generation, while minimizing harmful effects on the environment and the country's rich cultural heritage.
Ancient Egypt
Things You Don't Know About Ancient Egypt Gods
Ancient Egypt Gods
Ancient Egypt experienced lots of Egyptian deities that ancient Egyptians considered as gods and goddesses. Until their number reached more than 1500, according to many historical sources, and the most famous ancient Egypt gods back then were Amon, Horus, and Osiris, and they kept being worshiped until the advent of Christ, after then Egypt was turned to Christianity.
It is the lord of all ancient Egypt gods and their leader. Ancient Egyptians consider it to be the creator of the world and its name meaning is "the invisible". Its head is the head of a ram and appears as a bearded man wearing a hat with two long feathers, sometimes sitting on the throne, sometimes taking the form of a god, and sometimes the shape of a ram with curved horns.
Worshiping Amon first appeared in the territory of Thebes, and is considered to be one of the members of the Ashmunin Thamun, then it became the official idol of the modern empire, it was called the “King of the Gods” and merged with other great gods, becoming “Amun-Ra”, “Amon-Min”, and “Amon-Khnum”.
It is considered to be the god of fertility, agriculture, god the dead, the underworld and the flood, and Abydos was the center of worshiping Osiris and it was depicted in the shape of a beard, colored either in green or black, wearing the crown of Upper Egypt, and embalmed like a mummy.
It is the most known god and it owes his fame to being worshiped for nearly two thousand years and based on that fame, his temples were erected along the shores of the sea and it continued until the advent of Christianity.
The literal meaning of the word Isis is "the seat or throne". It was depicted as a woman breastfeeding her child, the mother goddess of Horus. When it wears the celestial disc and cow horns, it becomes the goddess "Hathor", it was also depicted in the form of a woman with the throne chair on her head, so it was called the goddess of the royal throne.
Sister and wife of the god "Osiris", and the mother of the god "Horus", who protected him from many dangers. it played an important role as a charming goddess, always representing a woman bearing the sign of the "throne" on her head, and sometimes wearing a crown consisting of two horns and the sun disk between them, and took different forms of ancient Egypt gods. Worship spread in Europe since the Greco-Roman period.
The god Hor or Horus, the son of the god Osiris and the goddess Aizah or Isis, the wife of the god Osiris, was depicted in the form of a falcon or a human with a falcon head. The Egyptian people believed that the eyes of Horus were the sun (right) and the moon (left).
An ancient deity of the sky, and since the beginning of historical times, Horus has been a symbol of the king, living or dead.
Apis was the most important deity among the sacred calves in the land of the Nile, and he was a god of fertility, and the center of his worship was in the city of Memphis since the early dynastic era, and became associated with Ptah, the god of that city, then became the great spirit "Ptah" that appeared on earth in the form of a calf and with the death of Apis turned into The god Osiris and was called Osiris - Apis.
The calf "Apis" had distinctive marks on its skin and was represented by placing the sun disk between its horns.
The local deity of the city of Memphis currently in Cairo was always represented in a human form and wrapped like a mummy with a shaven head, and at first he was nothing but a master of craftsmen and industry, and then attributed to him the creation of arts, and held in his hands symbols of rule, strength and life, which is a scepter made of a grandfather column and a scepter.
The goddess of the sky and the patroness of women, love and music, the daughter of Ra and the wife of Horus, and sometimes called the mother of Horus, where the name of this goddess means the dwelling of Horus, and her sacred animal is the cow and her sacred symbol is the musical instrument sistrum.
Hathor is considered the protector of women and the goddess of fun, love, music, dance and songs, and she feeds the living with her milk, so we see the pharaoh suckling from the breast of the cow.
Its name means "House of Horus", and it is the "Ain of Ra" that destroyed his enemies, in addition to that she was worshiped as the goddess of the dead in Thebes in particular. She is often represented in the form of a woman carrying a crown consisting of two horns between the sun disk or a cow, and sometimes we see her as a lioness, a snake or a tree. , but he was saved from it, and he had a special worship in popular circles in the late era.
The god Ra is the sun and the giver of life, and his center of worship was Heliopolis. it became the god of heaven and the father of Pharaoh and united with many ancient Egypt gods such as (Amun - Khnum - Mentu - Sobek) and called (Amun - Ra, Hanum - Ra, Mento - Ra, Sobek - Ra).
Or “Enhart” and its name means “the one who brings the distant”. The Egyptians portrayed him in the form of a man with a crown of 4 feathers on his head. The city of Thana was his original home, and it was merged with the god “Shu” under the name “Anuris-Shu” and then took great fame.
Its name means perfect or complete. The Egyptians believed that he created himself from himself at the top of the eternal hill, and therefore he is the creator of the world. He was created from himself and by himself “Shou and Tefnut”, and on this basis he is at the top of the list of the Heliopolis ninth, he merged with the god “Ra” and was known as "Atom Ra".
The “sun disk”, which was not worshiped before the modern state, rose during the reign of King “Akhenaten” to be the only god.
Like “Aten” at first the head of a falcon, then as a sun disk with rays ending in a human hand that often holds the sign of life.
Among his nicknames, the heat emanating from the sun’s disk, the Lord of the two horizons, who shines in his horizon in his name, as the father of “Ra” who returned to us as “Aten”.
The engineer of King “Djoser” for whom he built his architectural group, as he was the first to use stone in a complete building, and his genius extended to medicine as well. In the 26th dynasty, the Egyptians began to worship him and named him Ibn “Ptah”, and after that the Greeks alone with “Asclepius” their god of medicine.
Egypt Travel Advisory
Top Egyptian Foods in Your Egypt Tours
What Is the Top Egyptian Dishes?
Egypt, a land of ancient wonders and vibrant culture, boasts a rich culinary heritage that will tantalize your taste buds. Whether you are a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, diving into the local cuisine is an essential part of your Egypt tours. Here are the top Egyptian foods you must try:
1- Koshari
Koshari is one of the most famous Egyptian dishes characterized by its hearty and flavorful combination of rice, lentils, pasta, and chickpeas. Topped with a spicy tomato sauce and crispy fried onions, this street food favorite offers a delicious vegetarian option with many flavors and textures. Dedicated koshari restaurants exclusively serve this delightful dish, emphasizing its popularity and significance within Egyptian cuisine.
2- Ful Medames – Iconic Egyptian Fast Food
Ful Medames, a staple breakfast dish, consists of slow-cooked fava beans seasoned with olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, and cumin. Often enjoyed with fresh bread, it’s a nutritious and satisfying way to start your day in Egypt.
3- Ta'ameya or falafel – Iconic Egyptian Fast Food
Known elsewhere as falafel, Ta'ameya is made from ground fava beans rather than chickpeas. These deep-fried balls of goodness are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, often served with tahini sauce, fresh vegetables, and warm pita bread.
4- Hawawshi (Egyptian Meat Pie)
Hawawshi, an Egyptian Meat Pie, is a savory delight that consists of spiced ground beef encased within a loaf of bread, which can be either oven-baked or rotisserie-cooked. This dish encapsulates the essence of comforting home-style Egyptian cuisine.
5- Shawerma
While Shawarma is popular across the Middle East, the Egyptian version is a must-try. Tender slices of marinated meat, usually lamb or chicken, are grilled on a vertical spit and served in a warm pita with garlic sauce, tahini, and fresh vegetables.
6- Fattah
Fattah is a celebratory dish made from layers of crispy bread, rice, and slow-cooked meat, topped with a tangy tomato and garlic sauce. It is a hearty meal, traditionally served during special occasions like Eid al-Adha.
7- Mahshi
Mahshi is a variety of vegetables like bell peppers, zucchini, and grape leaves stuffed with a flavorful mixture of rice, herbs, and spices. This dish is a true comfort food, often enjoyed during family gatherings and festive occasions.
8- Kabab & Kofta (Grilled Meats)
Tender flame-grilled lamb chunks (kabab) and spiced minced meat formed into sausage shapes and grilled on skewers (kofta) make for a hearty Egyptian meal. Kabab & Kofta are served with bread and green salads, including tahini and baba ghanoush.
9- Mulukhiya
Mulukhiya is a green, leafy soup made from jute leaves, cooked with garlic and coriander. Cooked in various meat stocks and served with rice or bread, Mulukhiya is a culinary delight not to be missed
10- Basboosa
For dessert, Basbousa is a sweet semolina cake soaked in syrup, often garnished with almonds or coconut. This moist and delightful treat is perfect for those with a sweet tooth, providing a lovely end to any meal.
11- Kunafa(Konafa)
Kunafa, a Sweet and Crunchy Treat, entices with its resemblance to fine strands of hay. This dessert is a must-try, prepared with semolina noodles, butter, creamy cheese, and sweet syrup. Often adorned with nuts for an additional burst of flavor, this indulgent delicacy promises a delightful culinary experience.
Egypt Travel Advisory
10 Surprising Facts about Egypt
Ancient Egypt is referred one of the most evocative periods in history that schoolchildren learn.
But even now, thousands of years later, we are still learning new things about how people lived. Although the land of pharaohs, mummies and majestic cats is widely known and recognized, there are many interesting facts about Egypt that many people are unaware of. Here is a laydown of the top ten facts about ancient Egypt:
The ancient Egyptians loved board games.
After a long day of work along the Nile River, Egyptians often relaxed by playing board games. Numerous different games have been played, including "Mehen" and "Dogs and Jackals," but perhaps the most popular was a gambling game known as "Senet ."This hobby dates back to 3500 BC., and it was played on a long painted board with 30 squares. Each player had a series of pieces that moved on the board based on the roll of the dice or the throw of sticks. Historians still argue over Senet's exact rules, but there is no doubt about the game's popularity.
The pyramids were not built by slaves.
The life of a pyramid builder was certainly not easy: workers' skeletons often show signs of arthritis and other ailments, but evidence suggests that communal graves were not built by slaves but by wage earners. These former construction workers were a mix of skilled craftsmen and temporary hands, and some appeared to be proud of their craft. Graffiti found near the monuments suggests that they often gave their crews humorous names such as "Drunk of Menkaure" or "Friends of Khufu ."The idea of slaves building pyramids with the crack of a whip was first evoked by the Greek historian Herodotus in the 5th century BC. However, most historians now dismiss it as a myth. Although the ancient Egyptians were certainly not averse to owning slaves, it appears that they used them primarily as laborers and servants.
Cleopatra was not Egyptian.
Another interesting fact about Egypt is that Cleopatra, one of the most famous figures of ancient Egypt, is actually Greek, not Egyptian. Although she was born in Alexandria, she had no Egyptian blood and was instead a descendant of the Ptolemaic dynasty, which was a line of Greek Macedonians. The Ptolemaic dynasty ruled ancient Egypt from 323 to 30 BC. The name Cleopatra is actually Greek for "Famous in her father" or "The fame of her father."
Makeup And Ancient Egyptians
The ancient Egyptians believed that makeup had healing powers that protected them from the sun, and therefore makeup was worn by both men and women. The black eye paint we know so well from ancient Egyptian depictions was made of red, and they also used green makeup made of copper.
The Egyptians saw animals as embodiments of the gods!
Falcons, lions, baboons, and dogs were extremely popular animals among the ancient Egyptians. The animals were mummified and buried with their owners after their death;
accompany and watch over the dead.
Many of the gods were represented in therianthropic forms; part human, part animal. In some cases, they were completely animal.
Egyptian women had a wide range of freedom and rights.
Although they may have been publicly and socially viewed as inferior to men, Egyptian women enjoyed great legal as well as financial independence. They could buy and sell belongings, serve on juries, make wills, as well as even enter into legal contracts. Egyptian women did not normally work outside the home, but they did, and they usually received the same pay for doing the same jobs as men.
Compared to the women of ancient Greece, who were actually the property of their husbands, Egyptian women also had the right to divorce and remarry. Egyptian couples were even known to negotiate an ancient prenuptial agreement. These contracts listed all the property and wealth the woman had brought into the marriage and guaranteed that she would be compensated in the event of a divorce.
A new capital
Cairo has been Egypt's capital for more than 1,000 years, but the government is building a new capital of about 45 kilometers (28 miles) to the east to ease Cairo's congestion. The plans call for the yet-to-be-named city to be home to major government departments and ministries, as well as foreign embassies.
The 356 days calendar
The calendar of 365 days divided into 12 months was invented in Egypt.
Egyptian gods
The ancient Egyptians believed greatly in more than 2,000 gods! They had gods for everything from chores to danger! They all had different responsibilities and had to be worshiped so that life could be kept in balance.
One of the largest dams in the world is located in Egypt
Egypt is home to one of the largest dams in the world. The Aswan Dam is referred to as the largest embankment dam in the entire world, stretching across the Nile, separating Egypt from Sudan and creating Lake Nassar. Lake Nassar is one of the largest bodies of water in the world.
Many of the things that people cherish in their lives today were invented by the ancient Egyptians, including paper and pens, keys and locks, and even toothpaste.
Well, here are some fun facts about Egypt that a lot of people probably didn't know about.
Cairo Historical Sites
The Sphinx: A Monument Shrouded in Mystery
The Great Sphinx of Giza is one of the most iconic monuments of ancient Egypt, standing at the edge of the Giza plateau and guarding the pyramids of Khafre and Khufu. It is a mysterious and enigmatic statue, with a lion's body and a human face that has been the subject of much speculation and research. This essay will delve into the history, construction, and symbolism of the Great Sphinx, as well as its cultural significance and modern-day impact.
Luxor Tourist Attractions
The Temple of seti i at Abydos
If you're fascinated by the mysteries of ancient Egypt, then visiting the Temple of Seti in Abydos is a must-do. This temple is considered to be one of the most important religious sites in all of Egypt, and it's easy to see why. The stunning architecture and intricate carvings are a testament to the skill and dedication of the ancient Egyptians who built it. In this article, we'll take you on a journey through time and history as we explore the mystical wonders of the Temple of Seti in Abydos.
The History of the Temple of Seti in Abydos
Situated about 400 KM south of Cairo, the Temple of Seti in Abydos is one of the most breathtaking yet underrated shrines in Egypt. It was known to the Greeks as the Memnonium and is dedicated to Seti I, Osiris, Isis, Ptah, Ptah-Sokar, Nefertem, Re-Horakhty, Amun, and Horus. Historians view it as one of the most essential archaeological sites in the area of Abydos.
Seti I, who ruled Egypt during the Nineteenth Dynasty from 1290-1279 BCE, was an enthusiastic builder, initiating mines and quarries and renovating dilapidated temples and shrines. His son, Ramses II, the third king of the Nineteenth Dynasty, is renowned for having one of the longest reigns in ancient Egypt. It is believed that Seti constructed the temple himself, while his son Ramses II was most likely responsible for finishing the decorations and ornamentations as well as the nearby courtyards.
The Temple of Seti is found in the sacred ancient city of Abydos, where it is only three hours away by car from Luxor. This city is likewise the burial place for the initial kings of Egypt when its upper and lower kingdoms were merged into one. Near the Temple of Seti is a very old cemetery with hundreds of graves dating back to predynastic times.
Much like how Muslims aspire to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, the ancient Egyptians had the same hopes and dreams of making the pilgrimage to Abydos, which was considered an entrance to the afterlife.
Seti I came to rule Egypt only 30 years after the chaos of the Amarna Period, which was led by the sacrilegious Akhenaten. Because of this, Seti was very committed to restoring faith in the pantheon of pre-Akhenaten gods that the previous pharaoh had tried to demolish. As a result, the Temple of Seti consists of a series of smaller shrines or chapels dedicated to each of the major gods, including one to Seti himself.
The current facade of the temple was once the backdrop of the second of the two distinct courtyards, while the first courtyard and its entrance pylon are now in ruins. A lot of the temple complex is no longer present, forcing tourists to enter through a designated doorway directly into the hypostyle hall. Despite the ruins, many of the wall reliefs in the interior are still well-preserved, with the reliefs in the back of the temple established during Seti’s rule being considered some of the most important of the hundreds of temples still standing in Egypt.Architecture and design of the temple
The Temple of Seti in Abydos was designed to be a place of worship and pilgrimage, and the architecture reflects this. The temple complex is centered around a large sanctuary, which was believed to be the resting place of Osiris. The sanctuary was surrounded by a hypostyle hall, which had 24 large columns decorated with carvings and hieroglyphics.
There were also several smaller chapels and shrines within the temple complex, including a chapel dedicated to Seti I himself. The walls and columns of these chapels were also covered in intricate carvings and inscriptions, which provided information about the gods and their relationship with the pharaohs.
The architecture of the temple was designed to be both functional and beautiful. The use of light and shadow, as well as the intricate carvings and hieroglyphics, created a sense of mystery and awe. The temple was also designed to be a place of quiet contemplation, where visitors could connect with the divine.
The temple is in the shape of an L, featuring a ramp, two pylons, a landing quay, terrace, two courts, twin hypostyle halls, a series of connected chambers on the southern end, and seven chapels for worshiping the gods of Ancient Egypt and Seti himself.
There are also storage chambers that stretch from the temple’s southernmost end to the front entrance. The primary body of the temple was also remarkably symmetrical up to the seven chapels, showcasing the importance of sacred geometry to the ancient Egyptians.
The Temple of Seti was built using fine white limestone, which gives it a heavenly look. As visitors enter the temple through the outercourtyard in ruins, they will see large tanks for the worship of the temple's priest, which is the first shrine in Egypt to feature these structures. As you make your way through the temple, you will come across numerous rows of mud brick storage chambers clustered around a stone entrance hall, which you can only access by a long flight of 42 stairs.
Ramesses II’s additions to the Temple of Seti include the outermost pylons and courts plus the first of the two hypostyle halls, where he added a relief of himself worshipping his father, Osiris, and Isis. His decorations and embellishments were done more hastily and are not as sophisticated as his father’s, but they are still meaningful and worth viewing. For instance, there is an illustration of a young Ramesses II tying up a bull with his father and numerous military depictions in the second courtyard.
Visiting the Temple of Seti I at Abydos
If you're planning a trip to Egypt, then visiting the Temple of Seti in Abydos should definitely be on your itinerary. The temple is located in Upper Egypt, near the modern city of Sohag. It's easily accessible by car or public transportation.
When you arrive at the temple, you'll be struck by its sheer size and beauty. The carvings on the walls and columns are incredibly intricate, and the use of color and light is stunning. You'll have the opportunity to explore the various chapels and shrines within the temple complex, and to learn about the history and significance of the temple from your guide.
It's important to remember that the Temple of Seti in Abydos is a religious site, so visitors should dress modestly and respect the customs of the locals. It's also a good idea to bring plenty of water and sunscreen, as the temple can get quite hot during the day.
Other nearby attractions to visit
If you're planning a trip to the Temple of Seti in Abydos, then there are several other nearby attractions that you should consider visiting. One of the most popular is the nearby Temple of Ramses II, which was built by the son of Seti I. This temple is also dedicated to the god Osiris, and is known for its stunning statues and carvings.
Another nearby attraction is the Abydos Archaeological Site, which is home to several other ancient Egyptian temples and tombs. The site is located on the west bank of the Nile, and is accessible by car or boat.
Conclusion: Visiting the Temple of Seti in Abydos is a must-do
Visiting the Temple of Seti in Abydos is an unforgettable experience. The temple is not only a masterpiece of ancient Egyptian art and architecture, but it's also a place of deep spiritual significance. The carvings and inscriptions on the walls provide a wealth of information about the history and culture of ancient Egypt, and the temple's beauty and grandeur are a testament to the skill and dedication of the ancient Egyptians who built it.
If you're planning a Vacation to Egypt, then visiting the Temple of Seti in Abydos should definitely be on your itinerary. It's an opportunity to connect with the divine, to learn about the history and culture of one of the world's greatest civilizations, and to be awed by the beauty and wonder of ancient Egypt.
Things to do in Aswan
All What you Need to Know about The Nubian Customs and Villages
All What you Need to Know about The Nubian
The Nubian region lies on the Nile River, 123,000 square kilometers between Aswan in southern Egypt and Khartoum in central northern Sudan. It had been one in all the first civilizations of ancient Africa, which invaded the land around 1500 BC. Nubia was highly famous for being the house of the many powerful kingdoms, most prominent is the kingdom of Kush, which even conquered Egypt within the 8th century BC and formed the 25th dynasty. Within the 4th century AD, the great kingdom of kush came to an end, and then Nubia was divided between Egypt and Sudan, However, during the 19th century in 1899, the Khedive of Egypt united the whole region.
Nubian in Ancient Egypt
Both two countries had a profound relationship during peace and war times. They both used similar royal symbols supported rock art. there have been many cultural exchanges and cooperation and even marriage between both. They'd a robust economic relationship through trading in ebony, ivory, leopard skins, and a spread of resins. The Nubia acted as Egypt’s connection to the riches of east and south of Africa like gold, incense, ebony, copper, ivory, and rare animals.
Nubian Temples
The word Nubia comes from the word “Nub,” which suggests gold for the number of gold mines within the area, rare stones, and the house of a number of the foremost beautiful and majestic monuments in Egypt. The Nubia area is famous for holding two of the outstanding principal temples within the history of ancient Egypt, the Temple of Philae and Abu Simbel temple. UNESCO rescued both the two temples within the mid-60s due to the High High Dam's disastrous consequences.
Nubian Crafts
The Nubians are known to be a proud, gentle, honest, and enduring people with their own unique culture and customs. Their houses were known of containing a backyard and topped with a dome. Their culture includes different forms of art, stunning drawings, exquisite decorations, and enchanting pottery, handicrafts weaving of baskets and mats from palm fronds and necklaces.
Nubian Customs and Villages
They have many traditions, dances, and a unique set of customs within their culture, especially when the wedding takes place and a newborn “Sebou” is delivered. All of them marry within the same area thanks to their inclusive nature. Their villages are quite different from anything in Egypt and divided to 2 tribes which are Al-Fadigka: the Arab Al-Orayqat (Originally Bedouin Traders who Migrated from Hijaz), and Al-Konoz, also called Al-Matoka (A mixture of Arab Tribes, the most important Being Al-Gohayna Tribe, from the Arabian Peninsula).
Nubian Museum
The UNESCO built the Nubian Museum in Aswan to bring the Nubian culture back to life because it was constructed supported Nubian architecture and ancient sandstone and holds about 2,000 artifacts; many of them are from ancient Nubian culture and plenty of colorful which exhibits form the Nubian heritage.
Book Your Egypt Vacations Now
With its unique ancient history, historical artifacts, cultural adventures, and countless activities, Egypt is the place you can sense the old, the new, and everything in between. To experience everything Egypt has to offer, you can browse our Egypt travel packages and Nile cruises and seize the chance to witness all the beauty of the ancient Egyptian treasures.
Ancient Egypt
Queen Cleopatra
Cleopatra: The Last Pharaoh and Her Influence on Egypt and Rome
Cleopatra VII Philopator, commonly known as Cleopatra, is one of the most famous figures in history. She was the last pharaoh of Egypt and is remembered for her intelligence, beauty, and political savvy. Her reign was marked by tumultuous events that shaped the course of ancient history, and her influence on both Egypt and Rome was profound. In this essay, we will explore the life of Cleopatra, her impact on Egypt and Rome, and the legacy she left behind.
Early Life and Rise to Power
Cleopatra was born in 69 BCE in Alexandria, Egypt. She was the daughter of Ptolemy XII Auletes, the pharaoh of Egypt, and his wife Cleopatra V Tryphaena. Cleopatra was the third child and had two older sisters, Berenice IV and Cleopatra VI, as well as a younger brother, Ptolemy XIII. She was educated in Alexandria, where she learned to speak several languages, including Egyptian, Greek, and Latin. Cleopatra was also trained in political science and military strategy, skills that would serve her well later in life.Cleopatra's father died in 51 BCE, and he left the throne to his eldest daughter, Berenice IV. However, Berenice's reign was short-lived, and she was overthrown by her younger brother, Ptolemy XIII, with the help of their advisors, Pothinus and Achillas. Cleopatra was forced to flee Egypt and seek refuge in Syria. She was determined to reclaim her throne and enlisted the help of Julius Caesar, the Roman general, to help her.In 48 BCE, Cleopatra returned to Egypt with Caesar's help and defeated her brother's army. She became the sole ruler of Egypt and was crowned pharaoh. Cleopatra then formed a romantic relationship with Caesar and bore him a son, whom they named Caesarion. However, Caesar was assassinated in 44 BCE, and Cleopatra's future was once again uncertain.
Cleopatra and Mark Antony
After Caesar's death, there was a power struggle in Rome, and the Second Triumvirate was formed between Mark Antony, Octavian, and Lepidus. Mark Antony was appointed ruler of the Eastern provinces, which included Egypt. In 41 BCE, Cleopatra visited Mark Antony in Tarsus, and the two became lovers. Cleopatra gave birth to twins, Alexander Helios and Cleopatra Selene, and a third child, Ptolemy Philadelphus.Cleopatra and Mark Antony's relationship was more than just a love affair. They formed a political alliance that threatened Rome's power structure. Antony divorced his Roman wife, Octavia, and married Cleopatra, which was seen as an act of treason in Rome. Octavian, who was Caesar's heir, saw Antony as a threat to his own power and declared war on him.
The Battle of Actium
In 31 BCE, the forces of Octavian and Antony met in the Battle of Actium. Cleopatra commanded her own fleet and fought alongside Antony. However, they were defeated, and their forces were forced to retreat to Egypt. Octavian pursued them, and in 30 BCE, he captured Alexandria. Antony committed suicide, and Cleopatra followed suit soon after.
Cleopatra's reign was marked by significant political and cultural achievements. She was a skilled diplomat and maintained good relations with Rome while also preserving Egypt's sovereignty. She also introduced several administrative and economic reforms that helped to stabilize the country.Cleopatra's legacy continues to inspire fascination and intrigue, even today. Her life has been the subject of numerous books, movies, and television shows, and she has become a symbol of female power and intelligence. Her impact on Egypt and Rome was profound, and her story has inspired countless people over the centuries.In Egypt, Cleopatra is remembered as one of the greatest pharaohs in the country's history. She was the first ruler of Egypt to speak Egyptian and to be crowned as a pharaoh alongside a male co-ruler. She was also known for her patronage of the arts, and during her reign, Alexandria became a cultural center of the ancient world. She was a supporter of Egyptian religion and worked to promote its revival, which helped to strengthen her legitimacy as a pharaoh.In Rome, Cleopatra was viewed with suspicion and fear. She was seen as a threat to Roman power and was portrayed in the Roman media as a seductress who used her beauty to manipulate men. This image of Cleopatra as a temptress has persisted over the centuries and has been perpetuated in art, literature, and popular culture.However, recent scholarship has challenged this image of Cleopatra and has highlighted her intelligence, political acumen, and diplomatic skills. She was a shrewd negotiator who was able to maintain good relations with Rome while also preserving Egypt's independence. She was also a master of propaganda and was able to shape her image to her advantage.In conclusion, Cleopatra was a remarkable figure who left an indelible mark on both Egypt and Rome. Her intelligence, beauty, and political savvy have inspired countless.
Exploring the history and legacy of Cleopatra, the last pharaoh of Egypt, is an unforgettable experience that offers a glimpse into the ancient world and the enduring legacy of female leadership. Book our Egypt vacations today and discover the secrets of this fascinating figure and the impact she had on both Egypt and Rome.
Cairo Historical Sites
Explore the Marvels of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo
Egypt is a country that has always fascinated people from all walks of life. From the pyramids of Giza to the Valley of the Kings, Egypt is a land of ancient wonders. And at the heart of it all is the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. This is a place where the past comes to life, and where visitors can experience the richness and complexity of one of the world's oldest civilizations.
Luxor Tourist Attractions
Uncover the Majestic Secrets of the Colossi of Memnon in Egypt
The Colossi of Memon, also known as the Colossi of Memnon, are undoubtedly one of the most awe-inspiring and enigmatic ancient structures in Egypt. Located on the western bank of the Nile River near Luxor, these colossal statues have stood the test of time, captivating visitors with their grandeur and mystery. Standing at an impressive height of approximately 18 meters, these imposing statues depict Pharaoh Amenhotep III, who reigned during the 14th century BCE. As you approach these majestic figures, you can't help but be overwhelmed by the sheer scale and artistic finesse of the Colossi of Memon.
Ancient Egypt
A Dive into the History of Papyrus in ancient Egypt
In the vast and mystical land of ancient Egypt, a remarkable material was discovered that would forever change the course of human history. This material, known as papyrus, was a type of paper made from the stems of the papyrus plant.
Egypt Travel Advisory
Your Exclusive Guide of Egypt Nile Cruises
All What you need to learn About Egypt Nile Cruise
Egyptian vacation will be complete with a Nile cruise. All the new visitors will have a variety of options when it comes to a Nile cruise. Here what you don’t know about Egypt Nile cruises and how to enjoy your Egypt vacation while exploring all the history and beauty of this country.
The History of Nile Cruises in Egypt
The Nile cruise history goes back to 4000 years ago when the ancient Egyptians learned how to navigate their way through it. At the beginning of the 19th and 20th centuries, travelers create what became a Nile cruise. In 1858, the main manner for travel across the Nile was a dahabiya, which was limited. In 1870 the tourism company Thomas Cook brought speedy steamers, which revolutionized the entire industry by cutting the time of sailing from three months to a 20 days sightseeing expedition.
The Nile Cruises Duration between Luxor and Aswan
A Nile cruise from Luxor to Aswan would take five days, and a Nile cruise from Aswan to Luxor would take four days. During this tour, you will visit the East & West Bank of Luxor and Aswan, plus experience the full luxury and comfort on this floating boat.
The Nile Cruises Categories
Various Nile cruises in Egypt will fit every traveler’s criteria and needs, whether traveling on a budget or desiring to experience the luxury cruise between the beautiful destinations of ancient Egypt. A Nile cruise will give you closer access to all the destinations simply by boarding one. There are three Nile cruise categories:
1. Standard Nile Cruises
On the budget and cheap Nile cruises holiday, travelers will experience all that this country offers and a relaxing, comfortable treatment at the most affordable prices. Every traveler will get to witness the beauty and greatness of this great civilization at every sunrise and sunset.
2. Luxury Nile Cruises
If you want to get the full ride with all fun, then the luxury Nile cruise is the one for you where you get to spend your stay in paradise with a deluxe five stars accommodation between Luxor's golden cities and Aswan.
3. High Luxury Nile Cruises
High luxury Nile cruise is for travelers who want to feel like royalty and live a truly magical time. Everything on the high luxury cruise is designed to make you feel like a king between the immortal cities of Luxor and Aswan.
Nile Cruises Types
The Nile cruises differ in type as there are private Nile cruise called dahabiya, and the other one a group Nile cruise, a typical Nile cruise with 50 cabins or more.
1. Private Dahabiya Nile Cruises
A private Nile cruise is known as a Dahabiya, which has about ten cabins where every traveler can explore the beauty of the Nile without on their own in total privacy. That’s why it became known as the most exclusive and luxurious way to experience the Nile river in total comfort, peace, and quiet.
2. A Group Nile Cruises
A group Nile cruise with 50 cabins or more is a way to build a friendship with kind people who appreciate the ancient Egyptian civilization's beauty and history. Onboard the cruise, everyone will experience the most incredible treatment and witness a remarkable piece of art that shines in day and night, spreading a sense of excitement, joy, and blessing on whoever lays their eyes on them between Luxor and Aswan.
Facilities on Board Nile Cruises
– Restaurant, lounge, and bar– 24-hour reception– Wireless internet access– Telephone system with international calls– Doctor on calls on board– Laundry service & housekeeping– Gift shop– Beauty salon– Gymnasium– A private bathroom (with bathtub, hairdryer)– Private safe box & mini bar– Complete water purification station– Sun deck with swimming pool
Nile Cruises for Families
There is no more fantastic adventure or a complete vacation to have with your family than a Nile cruise. There are always rooms for a family on a Nile cruise as long as you book early. Where a family can genuinely bond under the historical attractions on the banks of the Nile and the satisfying service that will have your family experience full joy.
Best Time to Enjoy the Nile Cruise in Egypt
Any time to go on a Nile cruise is perfect, but the best ideal time to go on a Nile cruise is between October and April in the winter months as it’s not hot, and it’s not recommended that you travel during the peak summer months from June through August.What You Will Visit During the Egypt Nile Cruises?
In Luxor ⇒ Luxor is the world’s greatest open-air museum, located in Upper Egypt and used to be the capital of Egypt during the Middle Kingdom(1975-1640 BC) and the New Kingdom(1570-1050 BC). You will explore one of the largest religious temples in the world, known as Karnak temple, located at the heart of the city, and the colossal Colossi of Memnon belongs to Amenhotep III in the 18th dynasty and more! Check our cruise packages to know more about the sightseeing in Luxor.In Aswan ⇒ Aswan is the southern guardian and a gateway due to Its strategic location. You will explore many of sightseeing such as : • The grand temple of Abu Simbel, one of the main highlights in Aswan, was created in 1244 B.C by Ramses II to immortalize his identity & legacy.• The beautiful Philae temple was built in 696 BC.• The Temple of the Sky God Hours, Edfu temple• Kom Ombo temple of the crocodile deity Sobek Finally, you will get to explore more and more during your Egypt Nile cruise vacation: browse our cruise packages to learn more about the sightseeing.
Answers for Most Common Questions About Egypt Nile Cruises!
Is there a Nile Cruise from Cairo to Aswan?Yes, there is a long Nile cruise from Cairo to Aswan from 10 to 15 days starting from the point of departure, whether Cairo or Aswan.
Is a Nile Cruise Wheelchair-Accessible?All the Nile cruises are equipped with a wheelchair-accessible. The accommodation and the interior of most cruises are fully prepared and designed initially to handle traveler needs.How Safe are Nile Cruises?Sailing onboard a Nile cruise is safe. The Nile cruise itself is secure and safe. It is equipped with the usual safety features, a life jacket, a resident doctor on board, and cams all over the Nile cruise to control any move.Will there be Wi-Fi on the cruise?There is wifi onboard the cruise, which you have to pay for to access, so it is advised to buy a local sim card so you can have access to the internet at cheap prices. But with Around Egypt Tours, you will have access to the internet for free anywhere.
Egypt Travel Advisory
Your Ultimate Guide to Explore Egypt on Budget with Around Egypt Tours
Unlocking the Secrets of Budget Tours To Egypt
Embarking on a tour to Egypt is akin to stepping into a time capsule, where ancient wonders and modern marvels coalesce in seamless harmony. Yet, the misconception that delving into this mesmerizing country demands a substantial budget often dissuades many from experiencing its profound splendor. Fear not, for we are here to demystify the realm of budget tours to Egypt, with Around Egypt Tours as your seasoned ally in crafting the ideal affordable adventure.
Cairo Historical Sites
Unveiling the Beauty of the Hanging Church in Coptic Cairo
Coptic Cairo is a treasure trove of historical and cultural wonders, and one of its most significant gems is the Hanging Church. Situated in the heart of Old Cairo, this ancient church is a testament to the rich heritage of Egypt's Coptic Orthodox community.
With its unique architectural features, historical significance, and religious importance, the Hanging Church is a must-visit destination for those seeking to explore the historical marvels of Coptic Cairo.
Luxor Tourist Attractions
The Valley of the Queens: A Journey into Ancient Egyptian Royalty and Culture
If you are planning a visit to The Valley of the Queens, here are some information, practical tips to make your experience memorable. Read more
Things to do in Aswan
Kom Ombo Temple
Are you planning a trip to Egypt? If so, make sure to add the Kom Ombo Temple to your itinerary. This ancient temple, located in Aswan, is a must-visit destination for history buffs and archaeology enthusiasts. With its unique design, fascinating history, and impressive architecture, the Kom Ombo Temple is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of Egypt. In this blog post, we'll explore the secrets of the Kom Ombo Temple and all the fascinating facts that make it a true gem of ancient Egypt.
Introduction to Kom Ombo Temple
The Kom Ombo Temple is a double temple that was built during the Ptolemaic dynasty, around 180-47 BC. It is located on the east bank of the Nile River in the small town of Kom Ombo, about 30 miles north of Aswan. The temple is dedicated to two gods: Sobek, the crocodile god, and Horus, the falcon-headed god. The temple is unique in design, with two identical sections, one for each god. Each section has its own entrance, hypostyle hall, and sanctuary.
Where is Kom Ombo Located?
Kom Ombo is a small town located in Upper Egypt, approximately 45 kilometers north of the city of Aswan. The town sits on the east bank of the Nile River, with the temple of Kom Ombo located right on the river's edge. The temple is easily accessible by car, taxi, or boat, and visitors can enjoy stunning views of the Nile and surrounding desert landscape.
Who Built the Temple of Kom Ombo?
The temple of Kom Ombo was built during the Ptolemaic dynasty, which ruled Egypt from 305 BC to 30 BC. The temple was dedicated to two gods, Sobek and Horus, and was built on a site that had been sacred to these gods since ancient times. The temple was constructed over a period of several centuries, with different pharaohs and rulers adding their own contributions.
History of Kom Ombo Temple
The history of the Kom Ombo Temple dates back to the time of the Pharaohs. It is believed that the original temple was built during the reign of Ptolemy VI Philometor (180-145 BC), but most of the surviving structures were built during the reign of Ptolemy XIII Neos Dionysos (51-47 BC). The temple was built on the site of an older temple dedicated to the god Sobek, which was destroyed by the Nile flood.
The temple was an important religious center during the Ptolemaic and Roman periods. It was also a center of healing, with a hospital located nearby. The temple was also used for astronomical observations, and the walls of the temple are covered with astronomical scenes and hieroglyphs.
Significance of Kom Ombo Temple
The Kom Ombo Temple is significant for several reasons. It is one of the few double temples still standing in Egypt. It is also the only temple dedicated to the gods Sobek and Horus. The temple is also significant for its historical and cultural significance. The temple is a testament to the advanced engineering and architectural skills of the ancient Egyptians. It is also an important site for the study of ancient Egyptian religion and mythology.
Architecture of Kom Ombo Temple
The Kom Ombo Temple is a masterpiece of ancient Egyptian architecture. The temple is designed in a symmetrical fashion, with two identical sections, one for each god. The temple is built of sandstone and has a series of halls and chambers, including a hypostyle hall, a vestibule, and a sanctuary. The walls of the temple are covered with hieroglyphs, scenes from ancient Egyptian mythology, and astronomical scenes.
The temple also has a number of unique features, including a Nilometer, which was used to measure the level of the Nile River, and a crocodile museum, which houses the mummified remains of crocodiles that were once worshipped in the temple.
Fascinating Facts about Kom Ombo Temple
There are many fascinating facts about the Kom Ombo Temple. For example, the temple was built on the site of an older temple dedicated to the god Sobek, which was destroyed by the Nile flood. The temple is also the only temple in Egypt dedicated to the gods Sobek and Horus. The temple was also an important center of healing during the Ptolemaic and Roman periods, with a hospital located nearby. The walls of the temple are covered with astronomical scenes and hieroglyphs, making it an important site for the study of ancient Egyptian astronomy.
The Kom Ombo Temple Complex
The Kom Ombo Temple is not just a single temple, but a complex of temples, chapels, and other buildings. The temple complex includes the main temple dedicated to Sobek and Horus, as well as a number of other temples dedicated to other gods and goddesses, such as Isis and Anubis.
The temple complex also includes a number of other buildings, such as a hospital, a Nilometer, and a crocodile museum. The complex is surrounded by a wall, and there are a number of courtyards and gardens within the complex.
Mythology Associated with Kom Ombo Temple
The Kom Ombo Temple is associated with several myths and legends from ancient Egyptian mythology. One of the most famous stories is the legend of Horus and Set. According to the legend, Horus and Set were two brothers who battled for control of Egypt. Set killed Horus and cut his body into pieces, but Horus was eventually resurrected by his mother, Isis. The temple is also associated with the god Sobek, who was worshipped as the god of the Nile and the protector of fertility.
Why Was the Temple of Kom Ombo Built?
The temple of Kom Ombo was built to honor the gods Sobek and Horus, who were both important deities in ancient Egyptian religion. Sobek was the crocodile god, revered for his strength and power, while Horus was the god of the sky and kingship. The temple was also believed to have healing powers, and many people came to the temple seeking cures for their ailments.
The temple was also an important center of commerce and trade, as it was located on a major trade route that connected Upper Egypt with Nubia and the Red Sea. Merchants and traders would often stop at the temple to offer gifts and prayers to the gods, and to seek their protection and blessings for their journeys.
The Discovery and Restoration of Kom Ombo Temple
The Kom Ombo Temple was rediscovered in the 19th century by French archaeologist Auguste Mariette. The temple was in a state of disrepair, and much of the temple had been destroyed by the Nile flood. Mariette began the process of restoring the temple, but it was not until the 1960s that the temple was fully restored.
Today, the temple is one of the most important archaeological sites in Egypt. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is visited by thousands of tourists every year.
Visiting Kom Ombo Temple - Tips and Guidelines
If you are planning a visit to the Kom Ombo Temple, there are a few things you should keep in mind. The temple is located in the small town of Kom Ombo, about 30 miles north of Aswan. The temple is open to visitors every day from 8 am to 5 pm. It is recommended that you visit the temple early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid the crowds.
When visiting the temple, it is important to respect the rules and regulations. Do not touch or climb on the ancient structures, and do not take any souvenirs from the site.
Kom Ombo Temple Surroundings
The temple of Kom Ombo is surrounded by several other interesting sites to explore in the area around Kom Ombo. One of the most popular is the temple of Edfu, which is located approximately 50 kilometers to the north. This temple is dedicated to the god Horus and is one of the best-preserved ancient temples in Egypt.
Temple of Kom Ombo Tickets Price and Opening Hours
If you're planning a visit to the temple of Kom Ombo, you'll be pleased to know that it is open daily from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The entrance fee for the temple is 140 Egyptian pounds per person (as of 2021), and this includes access to the temple complex and the museum. Visitors can also purchase a combined ticket that includes entry to other nearby sites, such as the temple of Edfu and the Nubian Museum.
ConclusionThe Kom Ombo Temple is a true gem of ancient Egypt. With its unique design, impressive architecture, and fascinating history, the temple is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of Egypt. Whether you are a history buff or an archaeology enthusiast, a visit to the Kom Ombo Temple is a must. So, add it to your itinerary and discover the secrets of this iconic temple for yourself!
Browse our Egypt Vacations and visit the Temple of Kom Ombo
Ancient Egypt
Discovering the Top 9 Famous Ancient Egyptian Cities
Ancient Egypt has a rich history that spans more than 3000 years and is known for its impressive cities that have stood the test of time. These cities were built along the Nile River, which was considered the lifeblood of the entire civilization. The ancient Egyptian cities and towns were divided into lower and upper regions, with the lower cities located around the Mediterranean Sea and the Nile delta, while the upper cities were located in the deep north, such as Memphis and Thebes.
Each city in ancient Egypt had a unique function and played a crucial role in shaping the legacy of this immortal nation. Memphis, for example, was considered the capital of ancient Egypt during the Old Kingdom period and was home to many impressive temples and monuments dedicated to the gods. Thebes, on the other hand, was a significant religious center and was home to many of the most important temples and tombs in ancient Egypt.
All these ancient Egyptian cities were not just impressive in their size and function but also had a profound impact on shaping the culture and legacy of this immortal nation. They served as strongholds for the people, where they worshiped their gods, conducted trade, and built lasting monuments to their achievements. Today, these cities stand as a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of ancient Egyptian civilization, inspiring awe and wonder in all those who visit them.
Here is a list of the top 9 famous Ancient Egyptian cities:
Egypt Travel Advisory
Best Time To Visit Egypt
For thousands of years, travelers have journeyed to Egypt to marvel at the ancient pyramids and temples left over from the time of the pharaohs, one of the greatest civilizations the world has ever known. More recently, visitors have also been able to immerse themselves in the culture or do business in Cairo and discover the idyllic beaches and world-famous reefs of the Red Sea. If a trip to Egypt is on your wish list, one of the first decisions you will need to know is when to go to Egypt.
Cairo Historical Sites
Unveiling the Hidden Gems of Khan El Khalili in Old Cairo
Welcome to Khan El Khalili, a vibrant and bustling market district nestled in the heart of Old Cairo. Steeped in a rich history that spans centuries, this enchanting neighborhood is a treasure trove of culture, tradition, and hidden gems waiting to be discovered. As you step into its narrow, winding streets, prepare to be transported back in time to a bygone era filled with tales of merchants, artisans, and explorers.
Things to do in Aswan
Edfu Temple
Are you ready to embark on a journey through time and witness the glory of one of the most majestic temples in ancient Egypt? Get ready to unravel the secrets of the Edfu Temple, a temple dedicated to the falcon god Horus, located on the west bank of the Nile in the city of Edfu. This temple is a true wonder of ancient Egyptian architecture and religion, and its mysteries and legends continue to fascinate scholars and visitors alike.
Introduction to the Edfu Temple
The Edfu Temple is one of the best-preserved temples in Egypt, and it is a must-see attraction for anyone interested in ancient Egyptian culture and history. The temple was built during the Ptolemaic period, between 237 and 57 BC, and it took almost 200 years to complete. The temple is dedicated to the falcon god Horus, who was one of the most important gods in ancient Egyptian religion. The temple was built on the site of an earlier temple from the New Kingdom period, and it is one of the largest temples in Egypt, covering an area of almost 23,000 square meters.
Where is the Temple of Edfu Located?
The Edfu Temple is located in the town of Edfu, which is situated on the west bank of the Nile River. Edfu is approximately halfway between Aswan and Luxor, making it an ideal stop for tourists who are traveling between the two cities. The temple is situated on a high mound, which gives visitors a panoramic view of the surrounding area.
Who Built the Temple of Edfu?
The Edfu Temple was built during the Ptolemaic Dynasty, which ruled Egypt from 305 BC to 30 BC. The temple was built to honor the god Horus, who was one of the most important deities in ancient Egyptian mythology. The construction of the temple was carried out over a period of almost 200 years, with work starting in 237 BC and finishing in 57 BC.
When Was the Temple of Edfu Built?
The construction of the Edfu Temple began in 237 BC during the reign of Ptolemy III Euergetes. The temple was built on the site of an earlier temple that had been destroyed by floods. The temple was completed in 57 BC during the reign of Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos. Over the years, the temple has undergone several renovations and restorations, which have helped to preserve its condition.
What Was the Temple of Edfu Built For?
The Edfu Temple was built as a place of worship for the god Horus. The temple was also used for various religious ceremonies and festivals throughout the year. In addition to its religious significance, the temple was also an important cultural center. It housed a library and a school where priests were trained in the art of writing and reading hieroglyphics.
The history of the Edfu Temple
The history of the Edfu Temple is closely linked to the history of ancient Egypt itself. The temple was built during the Ptolemaic period, a time when Egypt was ruled by Greek-speaking kings who had adopted many aspects of Egyptian culture and religion. The temple was built to replace an earlier temple from the New Kingdom period, which had fallen into disrepair. The construction of the new temple was a massive undertaking that took almost 200 years to complete.
The temple was built by several Ptolemaic kings, but the most important of these was Ptolemy III, who was responsible for starting the construction of the temple. The temple was completed by his successor, Ptolemy IV, who dedicated the temple to Horus, the falcon god. The temple was an important center of worship for Horus, and it played a key role in the religious life of ancient Egypt.
The architecture of the Edfu Temple
The Edfu Temple is a true masterpiece of ancient Egyptian architecture, and it is a testament to the skill and ingenuity of the ancient Egyptians. The temple is built in the traditional Egyptian style, with a large courtyard, a hypostyle hall, and several smaller rooms and chambers. The temple is decorated with intricate carvings and hieroglyphs, which tell the story of the temple's construction and the history of Horus.
One of the most impressive features of the temple is the massive entrance pylon, which is almost 36 meters high. The pylon is decorated with scenes from the life of Horus, including his battles with his arch-nemesis, the god Seth. The hypostyle hall is also a marvel of ancient Egyptian engineering, with 12 massive columns that are decorated with scenes from the life of Horus.
The significance of the Edfu Temple in ancient Egyptian religion
The Edfu Temple was an important center of worship for Horus, the falcon god, and it played a key role in the religious life of ancient Egypt. Horus was one of the most important gods in ancient Egyptian religion, and he was associated with the sky, kingship, and protection.
The temple was also an important site for the annual festival of Horus, which was celebrated in honor of the god. The festival was a time of great celebration and feasting, and it was an important event in the religious calendar of ancient Egypt.
The myths and legends associated with the Edfu Temple
The Edfu Temple is steeped in myths and legends, which have fascinated scholars and visitors for centuries. According to one legend, the temple was built on the site where Horus defeated his arch-nemesis, the god Seth, in a great battle. Another legend tells of a secret chamber within the temple, which is said to contain a hidden treasure.
Perhaps the most famous legend associated with the temple is the myth of the Eye of Horus. According to the myth, Horus lost his left eye in a battle with Seth, but the eye was magically restored by the god Thoth. The eye became a symbol of protection and healing, and it was often used in amulets and other religious objects.
The mysteries of the Edfu Temple
Despite its long history and its importance in ancient Egyptian religion, the Edfu Temple still holds many mysteries and secrets. One of the most intriguing of these is the secret chamber within the temple, which is said to contain a hidden treasure.
Another mystery is the purpose of the massive entrance pylon, which is decorated with scenes from the life of Horus. Some scholars believe that the pylon was designed to intimidate visitors and to demonstrate the power of the Ptolemaic kings.
The restoration and preservation of the Edfu Temple
The Edfu Temple has undergone several restoration and preservation projects over the years, in order to protect it from the ravages of time and to ensure that it remains accessible to visitors. The most recent restoration project was completed in 2010, and it involved cleaning and repairing the temple's intricate carvings and hieroglyphs.
The restoration project also included the installation of new lighting and ventilation systems, which will help to protect the temple from damage caused by humidity and other environmental factors.
What to see inside Edfu Temple
As you enter the Edfu Temple, you will be struck by the sheer size and grandeur of the structure. The temple is made up of several different sections, each of which has its own unique features and decorations. The main entrance to the temple is through the first pylon, which is a massive gateway that is adorned with intricate carvings and hieroglyphics.
Once inside the temple, you will find yourself in the first courtyard, which is surrounded by a colonnade of 32 columns. The courtyard is decorated with scenes of gods and goddesses, as well as various mythical creatures. From the first courtyard, you will enter the hypostyle hall, which is supported by 12 massive columns. The walls of the hypostyle hall are covered in hieroglyphics and scenes from Egyptian mythology.
Beyond the hypostyle hall, you will enter the sanctuary, which is the most sacred part of the temple. The sanctuary is home to the statue of Horus, which was believed to be the god's physical manifestation. The statue is made of black granite and stands over six meters tall. The sanctuary is also decorated with scenes of Horus and other important deities.
Edfu Temple Opening Hours
The Edfu Temple is open to visitors every day from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. However, it is important to note that the temple can get quite busy, especially during peak tourist season. To avoid the crowds, it is recommended that you visit early in the morning or late in the afternoon.
Tips for visiting the Edfu Temple
If you are planning a visit to the Edfu Temple, there are a few things that you should keep in mind. First, be sure to wear comfortable shoes, as the temple is quite large and you will be doing a lot of walking. Second, be prepared for the heat, as the temple can get quite hot during the day.
Finally, be sure to bring a camera, as the temple is a photographer's dream, with its intricate carvings and hieroglyphs, and its stunning architecture.
Other temples to visit in the area
If you are interested in ancient Egyptian temples, there are several other temples in the area that are worth visiting. One of these is the Kom Ombo Temple, which is dedicated to the crocodile god Sobek and the falcon god Horus. Another temple is the Philae Temple, which is located on an island in the Nile, and which was dedicated to the goddess Isis.
ConclusionThe Edfu Temple is a true wonder of ancient Egyptian architecture and religion, and it is a must-see attraction for anyone interested in the history and culture of ancient Egypt. Its mysteries and legends continue to fascinate scholars and visitors alike, and its intricate carvings and hieroglyphs offer a glimpse into the past that is truly awe-inspiring.
So, what are you waiting for? Start planning your trip to the Edfu Temple by booking one of our Egypt Vacations and embark on a journey through time that you will never forget.
Ancient Egypt
5 Egyptian monuments that almost nobody knows
5 Egyptian Monuments That aren't Pyramids And Almost nobody Knows
Egypt is renowned for holding one of the oldest civilizations within the world. The country is filled with story borders. However, once we speak about monuments that were made by these civilizations, the sole answer we hear is that the "pyramids."The primary purpose of the pyramids was to protect the body of the mummified Pharaoh and his private estates, like jewelry, own utensils, and other material goods. But have you ever expected that there would be more monuments in Egypt than the pyramids?With that in mind, we've listed for you a number of the buildings that are important in Egypt, but almost nobody knows:
1 – Malkata PalaceAmenhotep III ruled Egypt for nearly 40 years, and before his rule, Egypt had never witnessed such prosperity and riches. He was considered a king god in his Malkata palace.The palace was huge, housing Amenhotep's entire family, servants, guests, and an enormous of princesses, each with their servants.
2– City of TanisThe city of Tanis was one of the closest ports to the Asian coast and was considered one in every of the wealthiest cities within the region. It absolutely was a famous commercial and strategic city until it was threatened by flooding from Lake Manzala until it was finally abandoned. After a protracted time, it became referred to as the "Lost City of Tanis."
3 – Seti I timeLocated in Abydos, one in each of the places that are considered very sacred in ancient Egypt. Abydos was initially dedicated to the god Wepwawet, whose goal was to open the way for the dead to enter the afterlife.One of the few remaining temples inside Abydos was the Arrow I Temple, which has an "L" shape. The temple had commemoration halls and enormous rooms where workers raised the roof by placing many columns throughout the structure.
4 – Babylon FortressInitially built by the Romans, the building has been linked to Babylonian followers, and even prisoners brought from Babylon by Pharaoh Sesostris within the 19th century BC.The fortress was considered a refuge for Christians, especially people who suffered some persecution. Within the fort itself, there are several built churches, including the "Suspended," one in every of Egypt's most famous "Coptic" churches.
5 – Meritamun StatueUnlike most of Egypt's historical cities, Akhmim is still active today and is opposite the ancient Egyptian city of Ipu. As archaeologists excavated the site, they eventually discovered fragments of a statue of Ramses II and an intact 11-meter-tall statue of Meritamun, daughter of Ramses II.
Stroll the sites of the pharaohs of Egypt and find out the ancient tombs while visiting the Valley of the Kings through one amongst our Egypt travel packages.
Egypt Travel Advisory
Ultimate Egypt Packing List for Your Dream Trip
Are you planning a trip to Egypt? Congratulations! You're in for an incredible adventure. Egypt is a country rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. From the Pyramids of Giza to the Nile River, there is so much to see and experience. But before you embark on your journey, it's important to prepare properly. One of the most essential things you can do is pack well. A well-thought-out packing list will ensure that your trip is comfortable, enjoyable, and stress-free. In this article, we'll provide you with the ultimate Egypt packing list to make sure you're fully prepared for your dream trip!
Cairo Historical Sites
Saladin Citadel in Cairo : Everything you Need to Know
Are you a lover of history and architecture? Do you have an insatiable thirst for exploring ancient wonders? Then, the Saladin Citadel in Cairo should be on the top of your travel bucket list. This historic fortress is a testimony to the rich cultural heritage of Egypt and is a must-visit for all those who wish to explore the country's glorious past.
Ancient Egypt
Exploring the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt
Introduction of Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt, where towering pyramids rise against the horizon, mysterious hieroglyphics whisper ancient secrets and gods and goddesses walk among mortals. Ancient Egypt was a civilization that thrived along the life-giving Nile River for over 3,000 years. The charm of Egypt's grand temples, the enigma of its pharaohs, and the depth of its mythology have fascinated historians, archaeologists, and adventurers for centuries. Each discovery adds to the awe and wonder, painting a vivid picture of a society that was remarkably advanced and profoundly spiritual. Join us in this article to explore the marvels of ancient Egypt, uncovering the stories, innovations, and enduring legacy of one of history's most captivating civilizations.
Egypt Travel Advisory
Solo Women Traveler Tips to Egypt
Egypt is a piece of heaven made for people that appreciate the value and the beauty of history. It offers the chance for the solo female travelers to feel empowered once they looked at the history and great constructions made by Egyptian women. A solo woman traveler will always find what she is looking for between Egypt's fantastic destination, both ancient and new, and create some amazing joyful memories that will remain to the end of time. Here are a few answers to the most common questions about traveling to Egypt as a solo woman and some safety guidelines to know to make your adventure unforgettable.
1. Will I be Harassed in Egypt? 2. Places to Avoid … and Not to Avoid 3. How to Get Around Egypt as a Female Traveler 4. What to Wear in Egypt as a Solo Girl 5. Find Yourself a Safe Hotel 6. Book Local Female Guides 7. Mark Your Territory 1- Will I be Harassed in Egypt? Unfortunately, harassment is a universal phenomenon that happens in Egypt also. You would possibly face some minor verbal abuse, so you've got to be careful, and therefore the best way to deal with it to ignore it and move on with your tour guide. That’s why it is good to have a tour guide with you all the time who will keep away any discomfort or harassment. And if you lost your tour guide and felt concern, the tourism police will always be by your side. 2- Places to Avoid … and Not to Avoid Cairo and Luxor at night is the place to be as the heat fizzles out and many families stroll to the streets where all the hidden beauty of the city rises, which offers the ultimate unexpected pleasure for all of the female travelers. Most of Egypt’s budget hotels are acceptable for solo women, so make sure to stay in a hotel fully rated and comfortable before making any step.
3- How to Get Around Egypt as a Female Traveler Female travelers can use either taxi or Uber & Careem because there isn’t any difference between the two in safety. Both Cairo and Alexandria are easy to get around due to the various ways of transportation at low prices. Always sit within the back seat if you used a taxi or uber. And if you used a metro, ride the women-only carriages. On all the other public transportations always sit next to a woman.4- What to Wear in Egypt as a Solo Girl Dress Conservatively Modesty is the best Virtue the key to receiving good treatment and respect. It is advised to always dress modestly while traveling across Egypt because Egypt's nature is a bit conservative, so always cover your knees, upper arms, and cleavage. When you decide to visit or enter the mosque, cover your ankles and wrists and put a headscarf on your head to cover your hair. Save all the shorts and singlet for the beach.
5- Find Yourself a Safe Hotel: A Home Away from HomeHotels are the best places to stay in as all the entrances are security checked and secure, so pick a high rated hotel before traveling to Egypt, which can become your second home while traveling. Always carry your hotel business information once you are out if you got lost and need to get home and your Arabic isn’t good.
6- Book Local Female GuidesIt is always good to have a local female tour guide with you while traveling across Egypt. It is always better to be accompanied by a trusted local guide than being alone who will provide the most incredible details about Egyptian history.7- Mark Your Territory Be Aware of your surroundings & plan every step. It is always wise to learn the full details and information about the places you will be visiting not only on the internet but also on the ground by exploring the government sites, travel blogs, and public forums to learn about the concerned places. Learn the names of the tourist place you intend to visit and learn some Arabic world like: 1. Salam or Marhaba ⇒Hello 2. Bi-Teetklam ingleezi? ⇒ Do you speak English? 3. Jameel ⇒ Beautiful 4. Ismi... ⇒ My name is… 5.Shukran ⇒ Thank you 6. Afwan ⇒ You are welcome (Reply to Shukran)
Book Your Egypt Vacation Now With its unique ancient history, historical artifacts, cultural adventures, and countless activities to do from dusk till dawn, Egypt is the place you can sense the old, the new, and everything in between. To experience everything Egypt has to offer, you can browse our Egypt travel packages and Nile cruises and seize the chance to witness all the beautiful gems in the timeless cities Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor, and Aswan.
Cairo Historical Sites
Abdeen Palace in Cairo: A Journey Through Egypt's Most Lavish Royal Residence!
Are you a history buff looking for a glimpse into Egypt's past? Or perhaps an architecture enthusiast keen on exploring the grandeur of palaces? Look no further than Abdeen Palace, located in the heart of Cairo, Egypt. This majestic residence is a treasure trove of history, architecture, and lavishness that will leave you in awe. Join us on a journey through Abdeen Palace, one of Egypt's most magnificent royal residences!
Introduction to Abdeen Palace in Cairo
Abdeen Palace is a grand palace located in the central district of Cairo, Egypt. It was built in the late 19th century by Khedive Ismail, the ruler of Egypt at the time. The palace served as the official residence of the royal family until the 1950s, and today it is a museum open to the public. The palace covers an area of 24 feddans (about 100,000 square meters) and features a stunning blend of different architectural styles, including neoclassical, rococo, and Islamic.
History of Abdeen Palace
The history of Abdeen Palace dates back to the late 19th century when Khedive Ismail decided to build a grand palace to showcase Egypt's wealth and power. He commissioned French architect Leon Rousseau to design the palace, and the construction began in 1863. However, the construction was delayed due to financial constraints and political instability, and it was not until 1874 that the palace was finally completed.
Over the years, Abdeen Palace served as the residence of several Egyptian monarchs and witnessed many significant events in Egypt's history. It was the site of the signing of the Treaty of Abdeen in 1906, which ended a long-standing conflict between Egypt and the Ottoman Empire. During the revolution of 1919, the palace was used as a headquarters for the nationalist movement. In 1952, a military coup led by Gamal Abdel Nasser overthrew the monarchy, and Abdeen Palace became the property of the state.
Egypt Travel Advisory
Top Luxury Hotels in Egypt
Egypt has attracted people's interest for thousands of years, and visitors have gone to great lengths to travel there, even in ancient times, just to see its magnificent sights. Egypt is not only rich in history and amazing sights and monuments, but it has beautiful beaches and is a paradise for those who want to enjoy water sports in a unique place. Egypt has been described by many visitors as the European version of the Caribbean.
It also has hotels and resorts that are so beautiful they look like mini palaces, and the rates are surprisingly affordable. Here are seven of the best luxury hotels in Egypt.
Old Cataract Hotel, Aswan
The Old Cataract Hotel's guestbook is one of the most impressive in Egypt and lists a real draw of the great and good of the 20th century, including Tsar Nicholas II, Winston Churchill and Henry Kissinger, most famously Agatha Christie.
Parts of her novel Death on the Nile were set in a luxury hotel, which has now been completely renovated.
Christie would be hard-pressed to recognize the hotel today (the pools and spa might surprise her), but the vibe remains timelessly elegant, with discreet service and friendly reception.
Don't miss the chance to sup at the Terrace restaurant or have a good afternoon tea at the Palms, savoring Mediterranean dishes while the felucca sails down the Nile.
Four Seasons Nile plaza
In one of Cairo's grandest districts, facing the Nile and popular with bright Egyptians, this spacious hotel offers plenty of dining options, a resort-style respite from the city center, and attentive service from the attentive and committed staff.
The Nile Ritz Carlton
Situated in the heart of downtown, between the Nile and iconic Tahrir Square, experience Cairo like never before at The Nile Ritz-Carlton. Discover elegant spaces and enjoy exclusive views of the Nile River and the Egyptian Museum from the rooms and suites. The luxurious rooms offer a private oasis where marble bathrooms and a spacious living room encourage guests to relax and unwind.
The hotel's spacious suites are designed to allow guests to relax, entertain and feel completely comfortable in a superior environment.
Marriott Mena House, Cairo
Do you want to look at the pyramids? They are practically on the grounds of the Marriott Mena House hotel in Giza, on the outskirts of Cairo. Many of the rooms have views from the balcony; they are worth paying extra for, so you can open wide the curtains in the morning for that amazing view or enjoy them with the spotlights at night. There are also beautiful views from the landscaped gardens, pool, and some of the hotel's many restaurants. Expect a good selection of cuisine, be it Egyptian, Indian, Italian, or snacks at the pool bar.
Kempeniski Hotel Soma Bay
Kempeniski Hotel Soma Bay is a stunning resort destination on the Egyptian shores of the Red Sea, an idyllic leisure retreat blessed with a picturesque landscape of pools, waterfalls and lagoons flowing into a pristine 400-meter sandy beach.
Inspired by the mystique and nobility of ancient Arabian fortresses, the ultimate luxury hotel features 325 elegantly furnished rooms and suites.
Rixos Sharm el sheikh
Rixos Sharm el-Sheikh is a luxury resort on Nabq Bay, where the desert meets the crystal clear waters of the Red Sea. With stunning sights of the Gulf of Aqaba and Tiran Island, the resort sprawls over palm-fringed golden sands beyond its lush gardens. Rixos Sharm el Sheikh presents 660 luxurious and elegantly furnished rooms, conference facilities, one main restaurant, seven swimming pools, seven a la carte restaurants, six bars and spa and wellness facilities. This is an ultra-all-inclusive resort. The resort is situated 8 km from Sharm El Sheikh International Airport.
Premiere le reve Sahl hasheesh
This 5-star all-inclusive resort on Sahl Hasheesh Bay features freshwater and saltwater pools, including an elevated glass-domed pool. It presents a private beach, a wellness center, a spa, and 5 restaurants.
All of the spacious rooms at Hotel Le Reve feature luxurious fabrics and a pillow menu.
Each has a very furnished balcony with views of the sea or the hotel gardens. Satellite TV and minibar are also available.
Suppose you are looking for a place to relax and plan to explore must-see destinations; choose one of these best luxury hotels in Egypt. With stunning views, rich historical culture, and impressive heritage, Egypt guarantees an unforgettable trip. Therefore, pack your bags now and get ready to see the wonders of Egypt.
Cairo Historical Sites
Explore the Enchanting Baron Palace in Cairo!
The Baron Palace was originally the residence of the wealthy Belgian industrialist, Baron Edouard Empain, and has since become a symbol of luxury and sophistication in Egypt. Know more!
Egypt Travel Advisory
The Best Beaches in Egypt
Egypt is a destination full of wonders. With coastlines on the Mediterranean Sea, the Nile River, and the Red Sea, Egypt's beaches offer a wide range of activities and scenery for you to enjoy. Find the best beaches in Egypt and get ready to have the time of your life doing amazing things like swimming, snorkeling, or just enjoying a great meal in front of the sea.
Since there are so many to discover, here is a list of the best beaches in Egypt:
Ras Um Sid, Sharm El Sheikh
Ras Um Sid, the most beautiful beach in Sharm El Sheikh, is an attractive beach full of many things to do. This popular vacation spot, with spectacular views of the Red Sea, is also very popular with divers who want to discover the abundance of underwater life.
Compared to other busier beaches in the city, the location, at the very top of a peninsula, means the area is a bit more relaxed and laid back. There are many nearby accommodations popular with families, close to the old souk, and a glimpse into the customs and heritage of the local people.
The beach on its own is a place where divers visiting Egypt can't help but be mesmerized by the elegance of the coral's colors. In impressive shapes, unusual fish flit and hide, which can also be easily seen while snorkeling and is a perfect way for children to get to know the ocean.
Agiba Beach, Marsa Matruh
For foreign travelers, this popular Egyptian beach may not be as popular. In the Arabic context, on the Mediterranean coast of Egypt, 24 kilometers west of Mersa Matruh, Agiba is a small but quite dazzling jewel, meaning "miracle."
The only possible way to get to the curved part of the beach is along a rocky path that leads from the top of the cliff. When you are on the beach, when the sun shines on the surface, it is impossible not to be fascinated by the transparent color of the water. This is a popular spot, though, and things get very busy here in the height of summer with people enjoying days outdoors, but it's pretty empty the rest of the year.
The surrounding sea is quite rocky, as well as the waves that break into the wide ocean are very solid but also offer great surfing opportunities a bit further away from the rocks.
Fjord Bay, Taba
Located about 15 kilometers from the small Egyptian town of Taba, near the border with neighboring Eilat in Israel, it is a perfect corner of paradise. Fjord Bay is the perfect place to dive, whether you have hundreds of hours of diving experience under your belt or are looking to try it for the first time.
The reason why this place is an amazing place to dive is because of the huge bed of coral that is found at the bottom of the fjord. With an impressive depth of 24 meters, it is hard to believe the sheer number of fish and diversity of marine life that lives on the reef.
It is good to know that a healthy coral reef is a sign of clean water and good ecological balance. The fjord itself is a deep blue bay that is protected on three sides by a mountain range, ideal for hiking and enjoying panoramic views of the fjord.
El Gouna
El Gouna, which means "lagoon" in Arabic, is a chic and elegant beach in the north of the Red Sea on the east coast of Egypt. A bustling tourist town, El Gouna has long attracted wealthy Egyptian and European high-society tourists with its luxury shops, diverse food scene, and, of course, a very attractive beach.
It is the type of place where lots of families and couples like to come and relax and enjoy a few days in a 5-star resort; there are also many activities to do in the area. El Gouna is famous in Egypt for its water sports: stronger winds mean good conditions for kitesurfing, water skiing, and paragliding, to name a few.
The picturesque natural seascape is intertwined with a network of canals and lagoons, with sand islands located in between. Staying in El Gouna means spending days relaxing on the white sand beaches or playing on the area's famous golf course and nights drinking in the cocktail bars.
Are you ready for your next beach vacation? With all these fun activities to do, finding the best beaches in Egypt will surely make your vacation exciting. Whether you venture to Ras Um Sid, Sharm El Sheikh, or Fjord Bay, Taba, you'll have plenty of fun at these world-class Egyptian beaches.
Egypt Travel Advisory
A Comprehensive Guide for Multi-Country Tours Around Egypt
Egypt, a land of timeless beauty and historical significance, draws travelers from around the globe to explore its ancient wonders. For those looking to expand their horizons beyond Egypt's borders, multi-country tours offer an enriched travel experience. These tours seamlessly blend the allure of Egypt with neighboring countries, creating an unforgettable journey through the heart of the Middle East and North Africa. Here is A Comprehensive Guide for Multi-Country Tours Around Egypt that promises adventure, culture, and unforgettable memories.
Cairo Historical Sites
6 Things You Cannot Miss About The Grand Egyptian Museum
The Grand Egyptian Museum
It is considered to be one of the greatest touristic and archaeological projects in 2021 currently in progress by the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism which is anticipated to open at a time that will be convenient for everyone, as world heads of state, kings, princes and international dignitaries will be invited to attend this global event as they will come to see the civilization of Egypt's new icon that is anticipated to be one of the most essential elements in all Egypt travel packages.
Here are 6 things you cannot miss about this huge Egyptian project.
It is considered to be the greatest museum in the world that presents the ancient Egypt civilization and the pharaonic antiquities as it targets 5 million visitor every year.
It was established on an area of 117 acres in Giza at a cost of more than one billion dollars.
It houses thousands of artifacts from ancient Egypt.
It will display more than 5,000 artifacts from the tomb of King Tutankhamun for the first time in the world.
It houses the world's first hanging obelisk.
It supports the preservation of Egyptian cultural heritage and the promotion of the Egyptian tourism sector.
And this project is considered one of the greatest Cairo historical sites, touristic and archaeological projects for which the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism is making a huge promotional plan that coincides with its opening date for all the world to witness the civilization of ancient Egypt which required coordination with several stakeholders to be built with that greatness.
Because the museum is located in front of the pyramids of Giza, the facade is designed in the form of triangles that are divided into smaller triangles in a symbolic framework for the pyramids, according to a Polish scientist's mathematical theory that talks about the infinite division of the shape of the triangle.
Its buildings are located on an area of 100,000 square meters, including 45,000 square meters for museum display, and the remaining space includes a library specialized in Egyptology, a conference center, a research center, restoration laboratories, a 3D cinema, and places dedicated to serving visitors such as restaurants, and shops selling reproductions gifts, and parking.
It is noteworthy that the Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization, Zurab Pololikashvili, was keen to visit the Grand Egyptian Museum, although it had not yet been officially opened or the construction work had been completed, expressing his great admiration for it, so he posted pictures of him inside the museum on his personal account via social networking sites and wrote a comment On the photos, "Egypt really has a lot to make me want to come back to it again to attend the opening of this great edifice".
Egypt Travel Advisory
3 Must-Have Egyptian Souvenirs That Will Leave You Spellbound!
In this article, we will unveil three must-have Egyptian souvenirs that will leave you spellbound and allow you to take a piece of Egypt with you wherever you go. Read more!
Cairo Historical Sites
Cairo: The Timeless Capital of Egypt
Introduction to Cairo: Egypt's Timeless Capital
Cairo is one of the most important cities in Egypt. It is the capital of Egypt, and it is the home of over 20 million people. Nestled along the majestic Nile River, the timeless allure of Cairo draws visitors from across the globe to explore its ancient wonders and experience its dynamic presence. Known by many historical names, Cairo has earned the title of (the city of a thousand minarets) due to its abundance of mosques scattered throughout the city. One of the most significant mosques is the Mosque of Amr ibn al-Aas, founded by Al-Muezz Lidin Allah Al-Fatemi as his capital, shaping Cairo into the iconic city it is today.Join us in this article to delve into the rich history of Cairo and the vibrant present, where every corner holds a story waiting to be discovered.
More Information About Cairo, Egypt
Cairo today is one of the largest and most populous Arab cities and is the administrative city in Egypt. Cairo has become an important tourist destination when visiting Egypt because it contains many tourist places, ancient archaeological monuments, and important cultural landmarks that express different cultures all over the world.The city of Cairo is famous for its favored atmosphere mixed with the fragrance of history and the smell of heritage spread in all its alleys and streets and its nightlife filled with a lot of fun and entertainment in cafes that attract visitors to watch the Nile River in the evening.Cairo is not just a city; it is an experience that engages all your senses and leaves a lasting impression of cultural richness and excitement.
The History and Culture of Cairo Egypt
Steeped in over 4,000 years of history, Cairo is a living testament to the ancient past of Egypt. From the iconic Pyramids of Giza to the magnificent Sphinx, the city's landscape is adorned with architectural marvels that tell tales of pharaohs and dynasties. The labyrinthine streets of Old Cairo unveil hidden mosques, bustling souks, and centuries-old monuments, offering a glimpse into Cairo's captivating past.
Top Attractions in Cairo City
Cairo is bursting with captivating attractions that you can't miss. Whether you are a history lover, an art aficionado, or just seeking adventure, this energetic city has something for everyone. Here are some of the must-visit sites that will make your Cairo experience unforgettable:The Pyramids of Giza: Among the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, these awe-inspiring structures include the Great Pyramid of Khufu and the enigmatic Sphinx.The Egyptian Museum: Home to treasures and countless ancient artifacts of Tutankhamun, the Egyptian museum offers a captivating journey through the history of Egypt.Khan El Khalili Bazaar: Lose yourself in the maze of alleyways at Khan El Khalili, one of the oldest markets in the Middle East. From spices to jewelry, textiles to souvenirs, this bazaar is a sensory delight.Islamic and Coptic Cairo: Explore the historic neighborhoods filled with beautiful mosques and ancient churches. Wander through Al-Muizz Street, lined with stunning medieval architecture that transports you back in time.Al-Azhar Park: Take a break from the city hustle and bustle at Al-Azhar Park. This lush oasis offers panoramic views of Cairo's skyline and a serene escape from the urban rush.Nile River Cruises: Experience Cairo from a different perspective with a leisurely cruise along the Nile. Enjoy breathtaking views of the waterfront landmarks, including the Cairo Tower and Old Cairo.Cairo Tower: For sweeping views of Cairo and its surroundings, head up the Cairo Tower. Marvel at the cityscape and the Nile River, and even watch the distant Pyramids on a clear day.Al-Muizz Street: Stroll along this historic street adorned with beautifully preserved medieval buildings, mosques, and mausoleums—an architectural gem that highlights the rich heritage of Cairo.From ancient wonders to vibrant markets and serene gardens, the top attractions of Cairo promise an enchanting journey through history, culture, and natural beauty.
Modern Metropolis of Cairo Egypt
Beyond its ancient wonders, Cairo pulsates with modern energy. Skyscrapers dominate the skyline, while vibrant neighborhoods like Zamalek and Maadi are dotted with trendy cafes and boutiques. A leisurely stroll along the Nile banks reveals a blend of old and new, where traditional feluccas share the waters with luxury cruise boats.
Dining in Cairo
Cairo's culinary landscape is a feast for the senses. Immerse yourself in the rich flavors of Egyptian cuisine, where dishes like koshari beckon with their comforting blend of rice, lentils, and pasta, topped with crispy fried onions. Indulge in succulent kebabs and perfectly grilled meats that tantalize the taste buds with every bite.And let's not forget the street food scene—a true highlight of Cairo gastronomy. Treat yourself to crispy falafel balls bursting with herbs and spices, or sink your teeth into a flavorful shawarma wrap filled with tender meat and tangy sauces. These street-side delights offer a genuine taste of the culinary heritage of Cairo amid the lively ambiance of its bustling streets.
Weather In Cairo Africa
The weather in Cairo is marked by moderation most days of the year, which makes visitors turn to Cairo. The temperature in Cairo ranges between 22 and 34 degrees Celsius, which makes the weather suitable for various recreational activities.It can be considered that there are two seasons during the year, a hot summer from May to October and a mild winter from November to April. The climate of Cairo Governorate is also characterized by being very dry, rain falls in low intensity during the winter, and humidity levels rise during the summer, which makes Cairo’s weather receptive and beautiful.The winter and spring seasons from September to March, are the best time to visit Cairo as the temperature in Cairo is at its lowest, and the tourist can enjoy many outdoor recreational activities.
Accommodations in Cairo City
There are many 5-star Cairo hotels and 4-star Cairo distinguished hotels that provide various high-end and luxurious hotel services and many Cairo hotel apartments.One of the best hotels in Cairo is the Nile Ritz Carlton Hotel, a 5-star Cairo hotel, which is known for its luxury and its strategic location in the heart of Cairo and its charming and picturesque view of the Nile River, and the Four season Nile Plaza on the Nile, one of the most distinguished hotels, with its charming and picturesque view of the Nile.One of the distinct 5-star hotels is the Sofetil El Gaziera Cairo, and one of the best hotels in Cairo that attracts visitors is the Sheraton Cairo Hotel; do not miss your stay at the Fairmont Cairo Hotel, which is located next to the Nile River features a charming view of the Nile River and the Egyptian pyramids.As for the 4-star hotels in Cairo, dear visitor, you will find the Nabila Cairo Hotel, the Pyramisa Cairo Hotel, and other Cairo hotels that provide various services to all visitors residing in Cairo.
Exploring The Diversity of Cairo
Immerse yourself in the captivating blend of history and modernity that Cairo offers. With its moderate climate, ancient wonders, and lively urban atmosphere, Cairo is an enchanting destination that promises a seamless fusion of the past and present. Whether you're drawn to the majestic pharaonic monuments or intrigued by the vibrant energy of Cairo's bustling streets, a visit to this timeless capital guarantees an unforgettable journey through the ages.Plan your Egypt tour to Cairo—a city where every corner unveils a new chapter in Egypt's captivating story. Experience the allure of Cairo's historical sites, indulge in its vibrant culture, and immerse yourself in the dynamic spirit of this remarkable city.
Cairo Historical Sites
The Pyramid of Lahun
The Pyramid of Lahun
The Pyramid of Lahun, also known as the Pyramid of Senusret II, is a fascinating archaeological site located in the Faiyum Oasis of Egypt. Constructed during the Twelfth Dynasty of the Middle Kingdom, this pyramid stands as a testament to the architectural prowess and cultural significance of ancient Egypt. In this comprehensive wiki, we delve into the history, construction, purpose, and significance of the Pyramid of Lahun, unraveling its mysteries and shedding light on its enduring legacy.
Egypt Travel Advisory
Christian Monuments and Monasteries in Egypt: Exploring Egypt's Rich Christian Heritage
delve into the fascinating world of Christian monuments and monasteries in Egypt, exploring their history, significance, and the experiences they offer to visitors.
Cairo Historical Sites
The Buried Pyramid: Unraveling the Secrets of Ancient Egypt
The Buried Pyramid
In the heart of the Saqqara necropolis, south of Cairo, lies a hidden treasure of Egypt's ancient past – the Buried Pyramid, also known as the Pyramid of Sekhemkhet. This enigmatic structure, dating back to the Third Dynasty of the Old Kingdom, stands as a testament to the ingenuity and ambition of Egypt's pharaohs. Despite its relative obscurity compared to the more renowned pyramids of Giza, the Buried Pyramid holds within its walls a wealth of mysteries waiting to be uncovered. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve deep into the history, construction, purpose, and significance of this fascinating archaeological site.
Egypt Travel Advisory
Is It Safe To Travel To Egypt?
Egypt is a fascinating country in Northern Africa that extends into Asia, as it has the Sinai Peninsula. Egypt is home to pyramids, the mighty Nile, the most beautiful beaches, and the most precious temples and tombs. which are very popular with tourists?
The country is one of the most famous tourist destinations in the world and Tourism is one of Its important income resources so you can be sure that while you are there you will meet helpful, welcoming locals who are skilled at helping tourists.
Egypt's reputation as a travel location has taken some hits with travelers and travel professionals in recent years, leading some people to ask: Is it safe to travel to Egypt?
So Is Egypt Actually A Safe Country?
Egypt is a completely safe place to visit if you keep your wits about yourself and adhere to local cultural customs. Crime rates in Egypt are very low but beware of scammers and pickpockets, which can be common in every country.
However, assessing the probability of danger when visiting tourist attractions is advisable. avoid getting caught in large crowds without a local guide or consider a small-group tour. Here are some tips to make your Egypt vacation safe and memorable:1- Go With Someone Who Knows Egypt
You only get to visit Egypt probably once in your life – you owe it to yourself to see it with someone who understands it, speaks English well enough to explain it to you, and loves it as much as you do.2- Make Scheduled Visits To The Main Attractions
One of the reasons Ghattas recommends visiting Egypt with a reputable tour operator is that entry to top attractions like the pyramids, Luxor and Abu Simbel can be done before you reach your destination.
Sometimes it can be confusing to understand if a standard entrance to the pyramids also includes an entrance to the steps inside the pyramids (note: this is not the case).
By purchasing in advance or joining a tour, you know what you'll see before you arrive at your destination. Check our Egypt Vacation packages and get a well-planned and unforgettable trip.
In general, Egypt is full of many wonderful monuments and places just waiting to be explored. You just have to invest some time to get a chance to see more of what it has to offer.
Egypt isn't just for the Egyptians. It is for humanity. If you also follow these simple tips, your trip to Egypt will be the trip of a lifetime.
Egypt Travel Advisory
Cairo International Airport
The history of the establishment of Cairo International Airport as a civil airport dates back to the establishment of the Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority in 1945 AD, which moved to it after the end of the Second World War - all Egyptian airports and aviation facilities that were under British administration to the Egyptian side, including the military base “Paine Field” which was Under British administration to serve allied forces in World War II.
The new Civil Aviation Authority began preparing an international civil airport on the land of Pine Field base to accommodate the largest number of traffic, so the travel and arrival halls were expanded to accommodate the movement of passengers coming and leaving the Egyptian territory.
In 1946, the name of the airport was changed from “Paine Field” Airport to Farouk I Airport, and the number of passengers traveling through the airport this year reached nearly 200,000.
After the July Revolution, the name of the airport was changed from “Farouk I Airport” to “Cairo Airport.”
In 1955, some studies were conducted to build a new passenger building instead of the old one, in order to keep pace with the increasing traffic, and the site of the new building was chosen between the two main runways, and construction work began in 1957.
On March 18, 1963, the airport was opened experimentally - while Cairo Airport was officially opened on May 18, 1963, in the presence of the late President Gamal Abdel Nasser.
The capacity of Cairo Airport at that time reached 5 million passengers annually.
The expansions continued until the total capacity of Cairo International Airport reached at the present time to more than 30 million passengers annually after the construction and operation of the new Terminal 2 with a capacity of 7 and a half million passengers annually.
Cairo Airport has three runways capable of accommodating the largest models. The number of passenger terminals for travel and arrival is three main buildings: the old Terminal 1, Terminal 2 (the newest buildings) and Terminal 3 dedicated to EgyptAir and Star Alliance flights, in addition to a terminal Seasonal Hajj and Umrah flights and Terminal 4 designated for private aviation.
Cairo Airport is served by two control towers equipped with the latest air navigation equipment and systems.
Cairo Airport is one of the largest airports in the African continent in terms of area, capacity, and volume of travel traffic. Cairo Airport is also a hub for air traffic between East and West and serves many international airlines, especially in transit passenger traffic.
Cairo Airport is considered the gateway to the African continent in air traffic, and the development and expansion of Cairo International Airport continues, through the implementation of many projects in order to maintain its leading position among the world’s airports, especially within the African continent, where Cairo International Airport entered the world of airport cities. By exploiting the lands surrounding the airport and offering them to investors to implement large investment projects related to the field of aviation and airports, providing thousands of job opportunities and making it an attractive factor for many airlines.
The state has recently been keen to implement several projects of roads, axes and power stations as infrastructure projects aimed at increasing the investment value of the lands surrounding Cairo International Airport when they are presented to investors.
Cairo Airport has received many awards and certificates, most notably the best airport in Africa in 2006 and the first airport on the African continent in air cargo in 2019, the latest of which is the health accreditation certificate for safe travel from the Airports Council International (ACI) in light of the Corona pandemic.
Cairo International Airport has a vital role in promoting the ancient Egyptian civilization with the inauguration of the Cairo Airport Museum, which has been dedicated to displaying a group of Pharaonic artifacts in front of travelers from different countries, especially transit passengers, with the aim of introducing and promoting the ancient Egyptian civilization in a way that contributes to revitalizing tourism and attracting more visitors to Egypt. Egypt.
Cairo Airport has been and still is a witness to various national events and activities, as it is Egypt's first gateway to receive and bid farewell to its guests coming to it in various international events and forums held on the land of Egypt, such as conferences, sports championships, and other national events.
Egypt Travel Advisory
Egypt visa
Your Guide to Egypt Visas - Everything You Need to Know Before You Go
You booked your flights, found the perfect hotel, and started dreaming of exploring the Great Pyramids and cruising the Nile! But before packing your bags for Egypt, you need to make sure you have the right visa. Getting an Egypt visa can be confusing with constantly changing rules, visa types, and fees. But with a bit of preparation, you will be all set for hassle-free entry into this incredible country.
Egypt Travel Advisory
How to Plan Your Next Egypt tours After Corona Pandemic?
COVID-19 has essentially caused tons of issues in recent times, and therefore the WHO has even labeled it as a global pandemic. You want to save your well-earned money once we finally beat this pandemic successfully. You want to plan for a vacation to forget all of your worries and luxuriate in a lifetime of fullness and satisfaction. To satiate your desires, You will choose among the varied Egypt Travel Packages, which would be your preference and site choices.You would be ready to experience the Land of the Pharaohs altogether it's glory and luxuriates in its great history and cultural heritage. The subsequent tips will offer you an overview of a number of the packages you will enjoy once this pandemic runs its course. Let us now take a glance at a number of the enticing Egypt Travel Packages that are sure to make your heart flutter and race out with joy.
1. Cairo Day tours
You can enjoy the beauties of the capital of Cairo city, where you will experience and enjoy the rich antiquities and monuments of ancient Egypt. The capital has some beautiful places for sightseeing, including the Giza Plateau, the famous Giza Pyramids, and therefore the Great Sphinx. You will even get to go to the great city of Memphis, the capital of ancient Egypt.Another place to go to during this package would come with a visit to Saqqara, which contains the very first pyramid that was ever built. It Is called the Pyramid of Djoser and was built during the 27th Century BC. and; also, the newly 100 coffins were uncovered in good condition for the senior statesman and priests from the 26th Dynasty. Once you are through these visits, you will visit the old Cairo and roam the shops to witness some beautiful antiques and other wares.
2. Visit the Pyramids and Egyptian Museum
This package mainly includes visiting the Pyramids, where you would visit the famous Giza Pyramids, Great Pyramids of Cheops, Chefren, and Mykerinus. The visits would also include the Valley Temple alongside the famous Sphinx. Would even be ready to visit the famous Egyptian Museum and Khan-el-Khalili, a famous bazaar located at the historic center of the capital city. This is one of the added benefits of the Egypt Travel Packages that you should never miss out on.
3. Express Tour by Egypt Nile cruise
You would even be ready to enjoy an Express Tour of the town that will cause you to experience this breath-taking beauty country. You would be ready to enjoy the surreal beauty of Kom Ombo, which is an agricultural town in Egypt and an erstwhile Greek settlement. Another beautiful city to go to on this tour would be Edfu, located on the Nile River's western bank between Aswan and Esna. You will visit Edfu and luxuriate in the sweetness of the Ptolemaic Temple of Horus, and therefore the city still houses some of Egypt’s ancient pyramids. You would even be ready to visit the temple of Queen Hatshepsut located at El-Deir- El-Bahari and even the Colossi of Memnon.
4. Take part in King Ramses Sun Festival
This is perhaps the foremost delightful experience to enjoy if you're visiting Egypt. The Abu Simbel or King Ramses Sun Festival is widely known in honor of the famous Pharaoh Rameses II, whose monuments still grace the country. His idea was to mark his land and intimidate any other foreigners who dared venture into his territory. You would be able to witness some of his monuments larger than life in this visit, which includes the statues of Ramses dedicated to Amun, Ptah, and Re-Horakhty, who are considered to be Egyptian Gods? These temples are located at Aswan, and tourists would be ready to visit there and enjoy the festival's beauties as these temples.
As we have seen above, these are some of the Egypt tours packages that you can put in your mind when you want to plan your next vacation to Egypt after the crisis is over. You would be able to plan accordingly and witness the surreal great thing about this country together with your own eyes.
Alexandria Travel Blog
The Serapeum of Alexandria: Discover the Ancient Wonders of the Serapeum!
The Serapeum of Alexandria, also known as the Serapeion, was a magnificent temple complex dedicated to the worship of the Egyptian deity Serapis. Located in the ancient city of Alexandria, Egypt, the Serapeum stood as a testament to the rich cultural and religious heritage of the region.
Egypt Travel Advisory
Safety Standards Covid-19
We as Around Egypt Tours prioritize your well-being, health, and safety. For that reason, we've amended our cancellation policy; also, we've modified our procedures to develop the global health and safety protocols to match the recommendations and the guidelines of the(WTTC), to reflect our interests and values towards our Guests. In terms of hygienic practices, Around Egypt Tours responds to all The WHO guidelines as follows:– Groups in tours and activities will not consist of more than fifteen people.– A safe distance of one meter between clients will be maintained whenever possible.– Masks will be given to our clients on Every tour.– Free alcohol sanitizer bottles will be provided every day on your tour.– All our staff will wear a mask and gloves while dealing with our clients.
Our Hotels have been chosen carefully and earned the “Hygiene Safety” certificate, to match the recommendations of the Ministries of tourism and health in Egypt, and WHO protocols.
– The handing out of printed material such as maps or brochures will be avoided.– The temperature will be monitored daily; anyone who has a fever or displays symptoms will be separated and placed in quarantine.– All our transportation services will be disinfected before and after each service deep-cleaned every 24 hours.– Showing your voucher on your phone will be enough, and it is not necessary to print anything.These measures are applicable starting from August 2020 until further notice.
• Covid-19 Emergency Cancellation Policy
Around Egypt Tours offers a highly flexible cancelation policy, in case of infections, or outbreaks of COVID-19. If that happened, we would be refunding you the amount paid for the booked tour, or in some cases, your payment will be a credit for future travel. You have the flexibility to apply this amount towards new travel services booked within 12 months.According to the airline's terms and conditions, only flight cancellation/changing fees are charged, and bank surcharge fees are applied to the deposit amount paid.
Can any traveler enter Egypt?
Yes, Egypt is now open for All travelers, but they need to present a negative COVID-19 test taken a maximum of 96 hours prior to their flight departure. The rule does not apply to children younger than 6. Upon arrival in Egypt, travelers must present copies of their test results and proof of their health insurance. Digital copies will not be accepted.
Is quarantine mandatory for travelers entering Egypt?No, quarantine is not required for travelers entering Egypt.
Is the PCR test mandatory for traveling now?Yes, the test should not be older than 96 hours before arrival in Egypt. All travelers aged 6 and up must take the test. Other important information for travelers who want to visit Egypt
Restaurants, cafes, sports clubs, and movie theatres are open and operating at 50 percent capacity. Restaurants and cafes must close by midnight, while other shops, including grocery stores, close by 10:00 pm. Public parks and beaches are closed. Public transportation and commercial flights are operating. There are some travel restrictions on intercity travel. Masks are required indoors and on public transportation.
Safe Travels
We as Around Egypt Tours prioritize your well-being, health, and safety. For our partners and us, the safety of travelers is always our top priority. We do our best to meet the global standards to ensure a safe experience and bring confidence back to all travelers. Whenever you are ready to take your next vacation to Egypt, we are here to support you and to reflect our interests and values towards our travelers. All our tourists will always have the best experience in our country.
Egypt Travel Advisory
Love and Adventure Unite: Why Egypt is the Perfect Honeymoon Destination for Newlyweds!
Congratulations on your recent nuptials! As you embark on this exciting journey with your beloved, it's time to plan the perfect honeymoon that will create memories to last a lifetime. Look no further than Egypt, a country that seamlessly blends love and adventure. Egypt is a land of ancient wonders, vibrant culture, and breathtaking landscapes, making it an ideal destination for newlyweds seeking a truly unforgettable experience. From exploring awe-inspiring historical sites to indulging in luxurious accommodations, Egypt has something to offer every couple. So pack your bags and get ready for the honeymoon of a lifetime in the land of the pharaohs!