5 Egyptian monuments that almost nobody knows

5 Egyptian monuments that almost nobody knows

5 Egyptian Monuments That aren't Pyramids And Almost nobody Knows

Egypt is renowned for holding one of the oldest civilizations within the world. The country is filled with story borders. However, once we speak about monuments that were made by these civilizations, the sole answer we hear is that the "pyramids."
The primary purpose of the pyramids was to protect the body of the mummified Pharaoh and his private estates, like jewelry, own utensils, and other material goods. But have you ever expected that there would be more monuments in Egypt than the pyramids?
With that in mind, we've listed for you a number of the buildings that are important in Egypt, but almost nobody knows:

1 – Malkata Palace

Amenhotep III ruled Egypt for nearly 40 years, and before his rule, Egypt had never witnessed such prosperity and riches. He was considered a king god in his Malkata palace.
The palace was huge, housing Amenhotep's entire family, servants, guests, and an enormous of princesses, each with their servants.

2– City of Tanis

The city of Tanis was one of the closest ports to the Asian coast and was considered one in every of the wealthiest cities within the region. It absolutely was a famous commercial and strategic city until it was threatened by flooding from Lake Manzala until it was finally abandoned. After a protracted time, it became referred to as the "Lost City of Tanis."

3 – Seti I time

Located in Abydos, one in each of the places that are considered very sacred in ancient Egypt. Abydos was initially dedicated to the god Wepwawet, whose goal was to open the way for the dead to enter the afterlife.
One of the few remaining temples inside Abydos was the Arrow I Temple, which has an "L" shape. The temple had commemoration halls and enormous rooms where workers raised the roof by placing many columns throughout the structure.

4 – Babylon Fortress

Initially built by the Romans, the building has been linked to Babylonian followers, and even prisoners brought from Babylon by Pharaoh Sesostris within the 19th century BC.
The fortress was considered a refuge for Christians, especially people who suffered some persecution. Within the fort itself, there are several built churches, including the "Suspended," one in every of Egypt's most famous "Coptic" churches.


5 – Meritamun Statue

Unlike most of Egypt's historical cities, Akhmim is still active today and is opposite the ancient Egyptian city of Ipu. As archaeologists excavated the site, they eventually discovered fragments of a statue of Ramses II and an intact 11-meter-tall statue of Meritamun, daughter of Ramses II.

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